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going to meet girl from phone chat service need help

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OK i found this so called "party line" in my area. a phone service that about 40 people call at any given moment in a area of maybe 6 diff.neighbering cities. i start talking to some girl , we clicked as far as personalities. i have been talking to her for 2 months everyday. she lives about 20 mminutes with no traffic up north on the freeway.

she constantly tells me she has the hotts for me, she wants me so bad, i make her laughlike no tomorrow.

we were supposed to meet today and she flaked. im the one always initiating to meet. she saw my pic via e- ail she says she thinks im cute. i red the tall tale signs she is not interested in mehere on this site oin the "rejection" forum. should i accept the apology of why she flaked? and then if she does it again is that mean that i should just tell her that im moving on?

i know this is a long one but i would appreciate any advice.

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there are lots of reasons why people can't make it for a first meeting. do give her a chance to explain it. and for all you know, she might be afraid she's not your type and decided to dump you before she is dumped by you.


if you really like her and think you're compatible, then take your time to meet up. if she doesn't want to meet up, if could be a sign that she's not ready for a real relationship with you, for whatever reasons. go figure.

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