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He moved out yesterday


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It was supposed to happen in June.

But he signed the lease on his new place yesterday morning and moved out.

I wasn't prepared for it to happen so quickly.

Even when he told me Monday he was getting his own place this week I didn't expect the move to happen in 1 day.


but he says he has found the woman that is the answer to his prayers.

Nevermind that he decided this after only exhanging a few IMs and emails and 2 short phone calls. Nevermind that he has never met her in person and said yesterday he doesn't know if he will until he returns from his trips in mid June.


I just don't get it...

I would think if you met someone and you were so convinced that they were God's gift to you then wouldn't you want to meet them as soon as possible so you could start your life togther?


I know that ultimately this is the best thing but I just wasn't expecting it so quickly and I'm finding it really hard trying to redefine "normal" in my life at such a quick pace. What makes the redefining more difficult is that his new place is just accross the hall from me. (Yeah I know...)


I don't really have a question and I'm not exactly asking for advice. I just needed to sort of vent. So thanks for reading.

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I think he must prepared it before he told you. When he found the place already, then he said to you he moved out.

For IMs and emails, and they havent met... it's basically just dreamy. It's easier to share your down moment and seeking advices through text (as I think many people feel like talking about your trouble to the other is harder than writing/typing it down). He might think he found someone that could understand him very well and could read his mind. He might not able to see the bad side of her new woman behind all those emails/calls.

So he just told you that he found a God's gift to let you know he has another woman, and he was trying to convince himself like that ... but maybe he's still confused and not ready for the new one yet.

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He found the place and put the deposit on it a month ago but he wasn't going to move until he finished up his business trips in mid June.


I agree it's easier to talk via email and text etc. So I get that. but like I said I don't get wanting to put off meeting her if he feels the way he says.


Oh and I also told him that while he thought this new girl was the answer to his prayers, I had thought he had been the answer to mine so one or both of us are wrong.



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I know I shouldn't have done it but I looked at the girls myspace page and she has changed her status to "in a relationship"


Now I know it doesn't mean 100% it's with him but I'm feeling prety certain.


I feel like I may vomit.

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I am sorry to hear what happened to you, I wish I could tell you that your pain will be gone soon, but unfortunately it is not that way, only time can help and also the moment when you realize that you didn't lose anything, if your relationship was not working you are now wining but you still can not see it.


Mostly I believe your hearth and your ego must be strongly affected since he told you that he found someone who is "the answer to his prayers". Was he praying for someone while he was with you? why were you living with him on the first place?


Don't feel bad about anything that you do now, you might make many mistakes like calling him or begging him, or crying to him, or... so many others. But well at this point of your life you don't know how to react, just try to be kind to your self like you would be with a friend.


Take care, something great just happened to you that you still can not see!

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