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Death of friends' friend...


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A group of guys from my college got in a car wreck this weekend. I knew four of them... the guy I didn't know died this morning from swelling of the brain.


They were great guys, all of them. They swerved to miss a deer and hit an oncoming car. They weren't doing anything stupid. They were going to one of the guy's grandparents' house for the weekend.


I'm really surprised how hard this is hitting me, considering I had never even met the guy who died. I guess it's just always sad to see such a young person die so needlessly. I feel awful for all of his friends, several of whom I'm pretty close to. I feel awful for his family. I can't stop thinking about how easily it could have been one of MY good friends in the car who died.


I'm almost glad I never met him, despite what a great guy I've heard he is just because this would be so much harder if I had. And I feel sort of guilty about that. And I also feel a little (needlessly) guilty for taking this so hard when he's got really close friends out there and I know nothing I could feel could compare to how they're feeling.


I guess this isn't really an advice-seeking post. I guess I just needed to get some of this stuff off my chest.


If you are the praying type, though, send up a prayer or two for his family as they're going through this.

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I'm sorry for you loss. It's always a tragedy when someone is taken from us suddenly, and, it is even more shocking when that person is young.


Everyday when we get up, we take for granted that we will come home. But, truth be known, we never know. So often we get wrapped up in stuff that doesn't matter we forget to count our blessings.


We should always leave loved ones as if it is the last time we might ever see them, because, no one is promised tomorrow.


My very best to you in this time of sorrow.



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Your feelings are there for a reason, even if you are not exactly sure why you have taken this so hard. It's part of who you are so don't question them or feel bad that you are feeling them.

I remember when I was a school, one of the girls in my class had a father who was killed in a car crash. I remember when her cousin told me I felt like I was punched in the stomach. I never met him and I didn't know her that well, that was just my natural reaction.

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hi firiel- i know exactly how you feel. last week a girl that i met once a few months ago was hit by a car crossing the street, and she was killed. this girl reminded me so much of myself and i took it extremely hard. in fact, i still cant stop thinking about it. i feel so incredibly bad for her family and friends and boyfriend. she had so much ahead of her, so much to look forward to, and now its all over.


i think its normal to grieve any death, even if its someone you didnt know. sometimes it just strikes a cord in you. i keep telling myself that unfortunately these things happen every day, and i wonder why this situation feels so much worse, so much more tragic to me, when i know families and friends everywhere are grieving for their own loved ones.


i think the best way to deal with these things is to acknowledge your feelings, and to take it as a lesson that life is so precious and amazing and not to be taken for granted


in fact, now when something small bothers me, i think about this girl and what happened, it it puts things into perspective. i try to appreciate every single person and thing around me....

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