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How to ask her out?


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I've been friends with this girl for awhile but i haven't had the courage to ask her out yet. We both know each other very well and see each other often. There is just one problem though, sometimes i get the feeling thet her mom doesn't like me very much so i'm not sure how her mom would like me going out with her. I'm still going to try anyway, but how?

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Well don't worry so much bud, this is ur first time, you don't need 2 make it good, just simple and easy! The thing is being able 2 do it, not how you do it. Maybe you shouldn't ask her out yet if ur not ready or afriad of rejection, just maybe tell her how u feel about her or flirt with her for a while and see her reaction. But if u're gonna ask her out just keep it lightly like hey we've known each other for a while, i think we're great friends but I wanna take it one step further and go out with you, if it ain't gonna work out we can be friends again, u wanna give it a go?


Something like that or whateva u come up with.


Happy Heb

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There is one thing about starting a relationship that could be bothersome. I would say those that get so concerned about asking someone out is putting pressure on both of the people. So why not just go for it. Also if you go more casual with it, then people or her won't make fun of you after. Take it easy, its not too hard to do if you just go for it and don't think of the consiquences. If people make fun of you or she does, then you just laugh with them and be like "I am such a retard" and mess around. It gets you out of sticky situations, and trully how much of a reputation do you lose for simply asking a girl out. Don't we all want to ask a girl out in our lives?? well so many do, don't get worried from it and just GO!


Helping another.

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