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Jealousy of his ex's is killing me...


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Hey all...


How do I get over the fact that my boyfriend has been dumped by two girls in a row? I fear that he may want one of them back but can't have them since he was dumped, you know?


I've snooped through his old e-mails and I feel that he was more interested in them - where they're from, their hobbies and interests...with me he shows no interest. Also he still has stuff of theirs hidden in his place - clothes they bought him, pictures of them, newspaper articles, flyers, all kinds of things that happened before me. Meanwhile he has nothing to keep about me or of anything of mine.


How can I get him more interested in my life? And how do I deal with this nagging feeling I'm second best? As if he'd prefer a girl (or two) who dumped him?

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Hey there!

I hardly think that you are second best in any way. He chose to be with you now, correct? You just have to give him something to remember you by. An aquarium fish, a framed picture, a shirt or a ring or somesuch. These gifts he got from his ex's are all in the past. They are of course memories from a time before you entered the picture. I like to think that what this girl did before she chose to be with me, is none of my business. Because at the start of "our" relationship a new life began.


You are the new and better improved life. Eventhough it may be hard to do so, I suggest that you try and let him keep those old memories. Those items are a part of his past and like it or not, memories and experience are what makes us keep going IMHO.


Good luck

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