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I met this girl online on FaceBook, I msged her and we started talkin that same day she gave me her number and I called her. We started talkin, for the last 3 days weve been up really late talking.


She seems to compliment me a LOT. She thinks im "hot". She txts me from time to time, wetalk and joke. Were gonna meet up soon. Yesterday she was out with friends she came home called me and we talked, she was a bit drunk tho but thats cool we talked.


This morning i got a txt "sorry for my drunkeness last nite, yah sorry. Omg i dont remember most of it you should fill me in.


but yeah she always says I look really hot and hits on me via phone and text , we had serious convo's too.. But it seems to good 2 be true. I think shes cute. WE talked about relationship stuff and shes open to kissing and stuff.


What should i do? I called her late night everyday for last 3 days I should stop this weekened eh.


She thinks im hot! apprently. She should her sister a pic of me because her sister had a bad day and she said something like " hey hey check out this guy ive been talkin too"


But i dont feel that im that "hot" i dunno, i really hope it works, it just seems everythings so easy. Were gonna hang out next week..


I called her at night and shes cool with it should i stop?

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