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Anal Sex, Be Careful


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I constantly read about how anal sex has become "okay". I just want to make sure people have all the facts. My concern is teenagers who may do it because they don't want to get pregnant, but hey, I'm concerned about everyone who is doing it. This info is just the tip of the iceberg, but please take note that the pleasure may not be worth it:



Dr Jeffrey Satinover says: "anal intercourse, penile or otherwise, traumatizes the soft tissues of the rectal lining.These tissues... are nowhere near as sturdy as vaginal tissue. As a consequence, the lining of the rectum is almost always traumatized to some degree by any act of anal intercourse. Even in the absense of major trauma, minor ormicroscopic tears in the rectal lining allow for immediate contamination and the entry of germs into the bloodstream.


Physical damage ("trauma") and infection "The shape of the bowel is not intended for the purpose of sexual intercourse. The muscle of the anal sphincter has tobe forced open. The lining of the bowel is a single cell layer. As a result there is trauma and tearing. The semen action damages the bowel lining and the consequence is easy entrance of bacteria and viruses. -Dr M E Duncan, MD(Hons), FRCSE, FRCOG

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Okay, so the topic of the post deals with being careful about anal sex. Examining the initial post, the following things come to mind:


1. It's claimed that semen damages the bowel lining, whether it does or doesn't may not be the issue as there is always heavy advice to use protecting, in this case a condom. This of course will prevent semen from entering the bowel.


2. Everything I've read about anal sex says it should NOT be forced. If the muscles are not relaxed, don't do it. thereforeeee, it can take a long time and considerable patience to have safe anal sex. When done the way it's recommended, the muscles are not forced open. So, don't force it!


3. It seems common for many to really enjoy having a single finger up there. What comes out the other way when having a bowel movement is far bigger than a finger, so what happens then? I assume the muscles must relax to let that happen. If they don't really relax, and they are somewhat forced to open, then how is this different from a forced insertion (keeping in mind number 2, which says don't force it!)


But these are good points that have been brought up. We do have to be careful. It's good to know there are some risks we may not have been formerly aware of.


Also, keep in mind that it's a bad idea to go from anal to vaginal intercourse without making sure everything is squeaky clean. That's an easy way to risk infection.

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I want to note that I appreciate the input on this. I think it's a very important topic.


I also want to make sure the readers know that I'm not judging anyone. The post was just based on my readings regarding the pleasures of anal sex and lack of reading on any risks.


My concern also lies with the fact that I have never seen any information posted to the public from people who have required medical assitance after or because of anal sex. I'm sure it is out there, but I haven't seen the education made as public as it should be.


I'm glad so many have seen the post. Thanks for reading and giving your input.

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1. For butt sex, use a condom(lubricated), always, even with fingers.

(Because butts are full of germs and bacteria)

2. Alot of lubrication. I mean LOTS. (Jelly's, creams etc. water-based )

3. Slow and gentle. (Gently bend-tly.) Stop any time there is pain,

there should be no "pain" if done correctly.


Alot of nerves in the butt, can be a whole different (good) feeling I understand. Might wanna try fingers/toys/butt plugs first.

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I think a lot of the problem lies similar to many sex topics - people find it embarrassing to look up information to see what's adviseable and not, and go with impressions gotten from erotic reading, talking with pals, porn, etc.


Most sex sites I've seen (and since coming here, I've ended up looking at more than ever before lol), have a detailed list of precautions, things to avoid, things to make sure you do, etc, for anal sex and for many other sexual activities.


There IS a much higher risk of infection if you're not very careful to make sure nothing that contacts the anus contacts the vagina or penis isn't THOROUGHLY cleaned in between. I've seen many recommendations for using a latex glove even for fingering, just because of that, and to always always use a condom, even on a vibe if it's going to be used for anal use. And many of the numbing agents people try to use are NOT recommended for anal sex, they're supposed to be just to desensitize the penis for longer stamina in vaginal sex; pain means stop, if you can't feel pain, you don't know if something's causing damage. The anus has NO natural lubricant, so yeah, that's another must to avoid injury.


Some people also tend to not realize that oral and anal sex carry the same risk of many STDs as vaginal sex does, body fluid contact still applies here.


IMO, it's better to go through a little embarrassment - and do the research! Before diving into something new or unexplored. You won't look stupid or ignorant, you'll look smart, and like you care about the health and wellbeing of your partner. And any type of sexual activity should be a mutual decision or it won't be a good experience for both parties. If you feel pressured to "just try" something you're not comfortable with - don't do it.

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