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Emotional healing... on the way up?


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So today is the first day without my old friend, my dog Collide. But even in death he is comforting me. It's strange. For a while I had been just in the dumps about my love interest, filled with anxiety and feeling helpless. Today I woke up and felt okay about things. I can't put my finger on it. But somehow loosing my dog has put my relationship in perspective.


A wake up call that no matter what happens I'll be okay. I'm no longer anxious and feeling helpless. I feel relaxed. I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm content, but just relaxed, able to see objectively. Perhaps my dog dying took my obsessed mind off my love interest just long enough for me to take a step back and gain some control. A simple change of mental venue.


In any case... I'm feeling okay. Okay that my dog is truly in a better place and not suffering. Okay that things may or may not work out with the girl.


On a side note, my other two dogs are clearly aware that a member of their pack is gone. The girl, Mavis, is particularly sad... going back to his favorite spots and sniffing them, then looking up at me. It's so sad and sweet at the same time.



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