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Well, this is a little more complicated than I know what to deal with because this deals with some very exocentric people. I have this friend who is… I don't know… she's unique. Not exactly a looker, but her personality is something quite amazing. I don't like the term falling in love, because it's my belief that love is a choice, but at this point it would be a choice easily made… that is if there wasn't one little problem. She has this phobia. A fear of germs. Now she isn't obsessive compulsive, but, for example, she doesn't handle people touching her face very well. Now if we were to start dating, there would be a number of things that wouldn't be happening, and I'm not shore that I could take that. It would drive me crazy. I also wouldn't want t do anything that could end up hurting our friendship. My usual advice to other people would be that if you want something to go after it, but in this case I'm not shore that the costs out way the possible reward.

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This is...a very different subject.


So she has this paranoia about people touching her face. I think before you get involved with her intimately you need to get to know her as a friend and build up her trust. Find out what happened to this young lady in the past as to why she can't have things or people near her face. If its something about a trust issue, then perhaps in time you can break that cycle.

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well what i would say is... i don't think it would be worth it for the long run, if you were to persue this kind of relationship then one of two things can happen. The first being that you conform to her ways and not physically touch her which would prob. drive you crazy in a way, and the other would be that you might do little things that would annoy her and then build up and get on each others nerves and cause a fight; i can see this happening since she has ocd (b/c u said so) its gonna be hard to prohibit some actions that you do and such and if she truly has ocd it would be a real headache for the both of you, unless you are willing to deal with that forever... but to each their own



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Well SweetypieEnlightenedOne, I have become friends with her. We've become fairly close friend over the last couple years. As for what choused her current problem, it just seems to me that it was just something different she did for the sake of being different, and as she grew up it ended up getting way out of hand. There hasn't been anything that would cause it. She is getting better… slowly. She's been getting better faster now that I've started spending more time with her in the last 4 or 5 months.


I guess I never really posted this to get any real advice, but just to see if I could get people to help me think through it a bit.

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