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clearly thinking of doing the 'dreaded deed'....

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Ermmmm hi,well i guess I'm here for one reason...as u can all guess.

I dont want to be talked out of it...I've already read nearly all the posts on here. And its nice to know there are people out there....who...actaully care what happens to others.


What i'm trying to say is...i've been thinking of suicide....for a while now. I dont want to go into my reasons...mainly because alot would consider it to be pathetic... But well,i wanted to know what would be the best why to do so.


I have one chance...if it doesnt work then i know i'll never have the guts to do it again,and before any one says...i know that suicide is a selfish and cowardly act...well some think so anyway....which is why I went a method,that well....if it doesnt work...wont have serious affects afterwards. This defeats the whole reason for suicide....i know. But i'm really scared that if it doesnt work there will be really bad side effects,eg. liver damage etc.


I'd be really grateful if anyone IM's me,or...emails me on email removed,or email removed



Once again....please dont try and convince me other wise,i have my plans...and my reasons.





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May I ask why you posted if you did not want us to try and talk you out of it. Surely you would know by reading all of our posts that we would do just that. None of us here want anyone to feel so alone, and so worthless that they would take their own life to stop their suffering.


I for one will not find your reasons for wanting to commit suicide pathetic. When a person just cannot take anymore pain, they will do anything to stop it. Including wanting to take their own life. It does not matter what those reasons are - they are causing you pain. I also went through a period where I felt suicide was the only way out. There was so much hurting me that I could not stand it. And I felt there was nobody who would understand, and that there was no possible way of making it better.


Luckily, I turned out to be wrong. People did understand. People listened. People helped me without judging. And eventually, my pain lightened. And after a long while, I felt joy again. And I want to share this joy with you and take away your pain. I want to hear your reasons for suicide. And if you will give me the chance, maybe just maybe I can do something to make your burden just a tiny bit lighter.


And maybe if I can make your burden just a tiny bit lighter, someone else can also make it even lighter still.


Will you give us the chance? Will you put your life in our hands? Because your life is valuable to us - even if it is not valuable to you right now.


If you would prefer private communications, please PM me.



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You know what,i no what you mean.EXACTLY what you mean. Been through it myself,i aint gonna try and talk you outta it,theres no point and your still not gonna listen to what i say.


But,you've come here as a cry for help,and though your probably shaking your head at the screen right now,you HAVE. Im not gonna sit here and reel off all the suicidal ideas that i used to have when i was going through rough times,im not gonna give you that.


I know you said you dont wanna say what has happened to make you this upset,but please give me a bit of background? this forum is a wonderful place and there are wonderful people on here reaching out to help strangers like you every day. Please tell me whats happened?


I cant make it all better for you but please,let me at least try to understand.Ive been there,done it got the t-shirt.


I know it seems hopeless but you dont want to be like this do you? Of course not,which is why your considering suicide,because it seems like that is the only door open for you right now.


Talk to me

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Ok, let's talk this through... You know what I think...


I think your real intent in posting here is to both gain attention and to justify what you intend to do. You say that you don't want to be talked out of it, but the honest truth is that you are scared and hesitant and really don't want to have to do it; am I wrong in saying that?


Perhaps maybe you should take some time to talk with your friends family first about the situation and see what they think, and if not them find someone you trust.



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hey death.

i would like to say i respect all of what youve put and have sent you a personal message also.

i found that through reading the advice responces given that each in their own way is correct to what they say.

and the most important piece of advice i picked from all of those was that of hero_99



everyone goes through bad times and each need to over come these, you say that we may see your reasons for doing this as small or irrelevant which is untrue, the strength of a situation of different to each and every one of us. and that would have been respected.

you say that it is a cowardly act but to date i have never seen that as true. i would hope that you take not of what i put in my PM and i wish you all the luck in the choice yoiu take.


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Although you don't believe it now, the situation can and will get better. Are you suffering from Clinical depression? I guess you probably heve it to some degree to be thinking of suicide (There are online tests on the web) If so, It's very treatable, your doctor can prescribe anti-depressants, and it will pass. If you like I can recommend some excellent books on the subject.

I'll just say this, I know how it feels to be at a suicidal point. I've suffered with depression on and off for years, since my teens.I'm so glad I never did, because I'd have missed out on the chance to do so much stuff. I haven't had a serious episode for a few years now, and yet at times in my life I've thought that I would never be better.I am better, I'm proof that you can recover from these feelings, they won't last forever.


Have just discovered the PMing thing on here(I'm an advanced technophobe!) If you feel like talking about it I won't try to talk you out of anything(Well OK, I'll probably try!)But It might be helpful just to talk about your feelings?

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