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For those who've recently broke-up!

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Ladies and Gentlemen,


One thing I must tell those of you who are hurting from a recent break-up..............YOU WILL MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Trust me, the pain is only temporary......take care of yourself and heal first, go workout, get your hair done, hang with your friends, GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!


My ex and I just called it quits after 6 YEARS! I must admit, I knew it was coming to an end at least 6 months before it actually happened, and yes...it does hurt, but I know in my heart that in a very short while, things will be okay and I will take the lessons learned from this relationship and apply them in the future. You'll be a better person.


Please, for the love of god, DO NOT hang on and lose your dignity trying to salvage something that more than likely won't happen anyway.


Go take some classes, meet new people, start having fun with your friends again - let go and allow you're heart and mind to heal - you will make people!


I love my ex and will continue to love my ex just like most of you will do, but if it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be. Live your life to the fullest and learn to love again - trust me, you will love someone else in a very short time.


Good luck folks - you'll make it through this, trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just ended a long term relationship about a week ago, and it's been tough, but I am very tough and already thinking of what I have to do to get my life back on track.


My thread is a cinderella story gone bad.


I have no time for games and if my ex cannot let go of his mother at the age of 44 then he has a big problem....not to mention HIV, IV drugs, and bi-polar disorder.

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I'm on board! Tomorrow, I am getting some work done (for the first time in two weeks) and then going out with my boys to get crazy. Even though it makes me nauseous to think about it, I am going to flirt with every girl I see. I cannot let this get me down so much.



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I'll take your advice! I'm very down atm since my 3 year relationship just ended and I'm waiting for the doctor to tell me if I have cancer. I'll go lift some weights and after that go to a café and see what happens. Sitting home feeling miserable won't do me any good. Thanks for cheering me up some!

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Good morning everyone - woke up this morning feeling a little better - while lying in bed THINKING (I hate that), I had a slight "twinge" in my chest (i.e. heart), but I do feel better each day. Idle time just kills me because I am a thinker and can't let stuff go (anything for that matter), so I got up, turned the TV on and grabbed some coffee - feeling better now. Gotta get ready for work........the economy, argh!


Owk, good luck at the doctor - hope everything works out for you.


Musashi, have a great great time, I plan on doing the same thing this weekend.


Have a good day at work everyone - talk to you all this afternoon.

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hey , thanx for the post, i just moved today to another part of the country and a new job, was excited to get her however now i am i must admit i feel a little lonely and well confused as to where to go from here really! which in turn has made me miss my ex again, oh well , life goes on!

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Beautiful day today! I'm feeling much better today then I did yesterday. I wish I could fast forward a few weeks, oh well!


Just firmed up my weekend plans, can't wait! The first time in a while I've been out with the boys, should be a blast.


How's everyone doing today? Keep yourself busy!

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In 2 weeks it will be the 2 month mark for me. I hope I start to feel better then.

I need to get out more for sure, but have an illness that keeps me feeling pretty bad.

The gym is my saving grace, but can't get there lately.


Once I can work out again and meet friends, I'll be home free!

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In 2 weeks it will be the 2 month mark for me. I hope I start to feel better then.

I need to get out more for sure, but have an illness that keeps me feeling pretty bad.

The gym is my saving grace, but can't get there lately.


Once I can work out again and meet friends, I'll be home free!


Best of luck Summer, you'll make it.

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I know how you feel - I fight it sometimes myself. Just take a deep breath, go do something, anything and you'll feel better.


I had/having a rough morning.


On the positive side....one day passed the break up....one day closer to May.

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Good morning everyone! Feeling much better today - it does get better folks. No heart "pings" yet.


Had a great workout last night, stayed extra late talking with people that I typically didn't talk too very much because I had to get home for the ex - laughed a lot and had a good time.


Good luck today everyone! Make it a good day!

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Mut I'm feeling ya. Same way here with zombie effect. Everyone around me keeps asking what is wrong and to snap out of it.


I'm just looking forward to the day that I am happy again and can go a full day without thinking about my ex.


Tony, love the enthusiasm. Wish I am as strong as you. I'm feeling that twinge in my heart, chest and stomach. Feeling constantly nervous.

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Tony, love the enthusiasm. Wish I am as strong as you. I'm feeling that twinge in my heart, chest and stomach. Feeling constantly nervous.



Believe me bro, you'll get there. I know what you are feeling, trust me, I do but you can't spend the rest of your life hurting and beating yourself up. I know you're in pain, but the sooner you snap out of it, the more you'll enjoy life. Trust me, you'll be fine and you'll meet another women in no time at all - but you have to heal yourself in order to give yourself to someone else.


Everyday that goes by will get better.


I'm not an enthusiastic person by nature, but dammit, I'm not going to be in pain and watch my life pass me by without having some fun and being around people who want to be around me. Life is too short!


Good luck at the gym, that place is my sanctuary and helped me get through some difficult times.

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Believe me bro, you'll get there. I know what you are feeling, trust me, I do but you can't spend the rest of your life hurting and beating yourself up. I know you're in pain, but the sooner you snap out of it, the more you'll enjoy life. Trust me, you'll be fine and you'll meet another women in no time at all - but you have to heal yourself in order to give yourself to someone else.


Everyday that goes by will get better.


I've noticed that everyday gets better. I am trying to move on but current situations with living status prevent the process.


I am hitting the gym daily as well to cope. Really just to tie up my evenings. Its helping.

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