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She texted after 3.5 weeks of NC .... What do I do?


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Quick recap on the story. We dated 5.5 years, then she dumped me. We both had got too comfortable with one another and the spark wasn't really there anymore and we just weren't completely happy, plus I wasn't the nicest person at the time. We did LC for Jan/Feb. Then I found out she had been talking to another guy and not telling me the whole story. I was doing the same. We didn't really have no obligation to tell one another since we weren't together but we both got mad at one another and I walked out and told her I was done with her. She was kinda upset about this saying that she didn't really like this guy and that I would realize it in the long run. Basically stuff that was hinting at a long break then maybe getting back together down the road. I acted like I didn't care and played hard and walked out. This was 3.5 weeks ago. Haven't talked or texted or seen one another since then.


Well out of the blue she texted me yesterady, Friday. "It's funny how u let Abby(puppy I bought for us when we were together) stay with whoever but she can't stay with me! And you can send me my 100 dollars!" Basically some girl we both know has been keeping the puppy every now and then and it pisses her off. Funny she's mad about not keeping her when she hasn't asked a single time. Honestly though it's my dog and I don't want her to keep her at all because I don't want any ties to her right now so I didn't respond. The 100 dollars is because she asked me to stay with her one night while we were in LC and I got towed for the second time. She paid for it. She said she didn't mind. I told her I would try and pay her back, she said either way she didn't mind.


I'm not mad at her anymore, not sure if I even care to get back with her now. But I don't want her all pissed at me thinking I am trying to be mean. I want us to be on good terms just incase we try to get back together sometime. So what do I do about the text? Do I call her? Do I stop by and ask to talk? I'm pretty sure she would want to talk and clear some stuff up. But at the same time I've been really strong about this NC and I know it's baffled her. It's not like me to just stop communication. What do I do?

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Easy one. Send her a note saying, "Ok, I'll send you $100".


She's trying to bait you into redeclaring your affection for her..don't fall for it.


I agree. I think that if you want her back, you should let her pursue you, not the other way around. If you pursue her, I think she will use that as leverage against you.

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If she's after $100, that's pretty petty considering you lived together at one point.


I'd not respond. She said 'either way' I don't mind. So, don't.


I had an ex's sister once bug me for $100 after he and I broke up. Long story, but I told her after she kept harassing me over it to talk to my lawyer if she wanted to talk to me. Luckily I have the lawyer card in the family.


She wants to gain some sort of power.

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She don't care about the $100. She's just mad and it's something for her to complain to me about.


Exactly, that's why if you offer to give her the $100 she'll feel guilty and immature about asking for it. Don't try to talk to her about you two...that's what she wants.


Anything short of her BEGGING to talk to you and BEGGING to get back together isn't worth it..she just wants to feed her ego.

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Exactly, that's why if you offer to give her the $100 she'll feel guilty and immature about asking for it. Don't try to talk to her about you two...that's what she wants.


Anything short of her BEGGING to talk to you and BEGGING to get back together isn't worth it..she just wants to feed her ego.



Perfectly put.

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