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He canceled on me again


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Hi all, I have a question about the guy I am seeing. As in my earlier post, I am seeing this guy that I slept with rather early and then within a week and a half he wanted to commit to me saying he would not be sleeping with anyone else and that he wanted to start "seeing me" .Anyways he went home to NY to be with his family for a week for thanksgiving and called me once to say he was thinking about me and could not wait to see me. Well he came home today and called me at 2PM while he was coming home and said he really wanted to see me and hoped that I had time to see him. I told him I am busy tomorrow but today I am free so we should hang out.After that I told him I would love to see him and that he should go home rest and get back to me about tonight. I waited until 6PM was fed up with waiting so I called him and he said he was on the other line with his mother and he's been talking to her for almost an hour and a half about his granpa being in the hospital and dying. He said he would not be very good company and that I should hang out with my friends . I was trying to be understanding and even offered to come over but he said I should go out with my friends as I told him I got an offer from a girlfriend to go out to dinner. Something in my gut tells me he was lying about hs mother and it bothers me it took him 4 hours to figure out plans or lack thereof with me.If I am wrong then I am an insensitive paranoid girl when his grandpa is actually dying but something tells me he made plans with someone else or something. I don't know how to approach it or not. I was thinking about ending this asap as I am afraid to be hurt but then again maybe I am overthinking things way too much and should not? he has canceled on me once before saying he had to entertain clients during the weekend. He also came out of a relationship 3 months ago where the girl cheated on him and his comment to me when we were together and slept together is that I have motivated him to not see the women he is seeing and should not be seeing and to cut ties with his ex altogether. I know I sound like the rebound girl. Please any help would be appreciated. Also he gave me an expensive Tiffany bracelet as a whim gift and my thoughts about that is it's a guilt gift like he has a bad character flaw he has to compensate for with giving expensive gifts. Please any advice so I can see more clearly would be great and thanks.

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