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My boyfriend says lets be friends forever, but not married.

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Hello, I am really confused and I don't know what to do?

I have been with my bofriend for 2 years and I really love him . A few days ago I asked his idea about marriage and he said that he never wants to marry and he wants to stay "Just friends" with me and Its ok with him if I want to marry someone else. I am really confused. I have been praying for God to change his mind about marrying me but no results yet. What should I do? I really want him and he is the best thing that has ever happenend to me and I don't want to loose him . He says he loves me but we have to go our own separate ways and if I ever need anything I can count on him but nor marriage. But this is not what I want . I want to marry him. Please pray for me and give me some advice on what to do????I am very desperate.

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I would stick in there with him. My bf has said the same thing....that he never plans to marry, ever. I see him as being "the one" for me and at the same time I cannot see my life being complete without a marraige or childeren in the future. But he wants neither. The way I am handling it is that I think it may be his age, (I wonder how old you are???) and that his views will change in time.

The way I see it is that if you stay with him and be his companion as he asks, down the road a bit, you can ask him again and explain that you want a marraige and you have been there for him, you cannot understand why he objects. But let the relationship get some really grounded roots...to the point where you are married in every way except the ceremony and the paper. Maybe he will have different views at that point...

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Marriage???? *whoooaaa!!* ... *smiles*.



Hey there,


Read the first line. That was me till about a year ago. I am going onto 31 years now and it's just now that I have been thinking of getting settled. For me this whole concept is kinda new, because I have hardly had any girlfriend. I have always been a happy single, like I said till up to about a year ago. Why? I wanted to see some of the world and just be me and focus on me.


"Children? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!?!?!?"


The bottom line? Good things will come to those who wait. Just hang in there


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 5 months later...

Hellooo, Am I the only one who finds that insulting, did anyone notice the part about him telling her she can marry someone else?! or the part about him JUST wanting to be friends. Does he consider you his girlfriend right now? Please tell me you're a young couple in your teens, I just have to say one good thing about your boyfriend, AT LEAST HE'S HONEST. I am not saying any one is wrong here, sure he might change his mind about marriage, but it's obvious he doesn't want to marry her. Oh man that whole LET'S BE FRIENDS forever line that is a classic. That would have just put me over the edge. After two years that's what he comes up with, let's JUST BE FRIENDS forever? I want every one to imagine what that line really means, or for some of you, think about the situation you were in when you had to use that line on some one else.


Sorry I don't mean to burst your bubble or any thing like that, but all he wants is to do is be kissing friends, right? And you know what, don't be desperate, when girls get desperate they end wasting time on jerks like him, take this as a learning experience. There is no confusion you stick to your guns if it's a marriage you want don't settle for any thing less, if he can't meet your needs, you should just kick him to the curb, if he let's you go. Then you will know the Truth! And I agree, good things come to those who wait, so you hang in there and you will FIND the prefect man for you, some one who loves you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you, not just as a friend.


Peace out




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