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settling is a good idea


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If I'm not attracted to a guy: he often becomes really strong in his pursuit. He'll never get over me and he is always making it known that he's available. He aggressively persues me.


When I like a guy, he leaves my life. He plays with my emotions like I'm not a human being.


I've never been in love.


I think its wrong to assert the idea that its BECAUSE he's distant that I like him, but I've noticed that it is BECAUSE I'm interested that it happens.

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I can't agree with you, but I feel the frustration that I think you are expressing.


I've felt that way before. It seems like a game of tug-o-war. Whenever I really want a guy to be head over heels for me because *I* am the one feeling vulnerable... instead, he is the stronger, more aloof one.... and I am left taking deep breaths.... telling myself to "get it together and just chill." But then when I meet someone I feel lukewarm for... suddenly he is bombarding me with calls, cards, flowers and ready to propose!


You begin to wonder when there will ever be a true sense of balance and control... it is all a balancing act. Every day I am learning. But.... ya gotta have some faith.... right..... RIGHT?

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I've already said it's much better to be alone than to settle,it's just not fair to the two people involved and can damage your chances when the 'real thing' comes along.


What if its been a year? I'm not getting any younger.


I can't agree with you, but I feel the frustration that I think you are expressing.


I've felt that way before. It seems like a game of tug-o-war. Whenever I really want a guy to be head over heels for me because *I* am the one feeling vulnerable... instead, he is the stronger, more aloof one.... and I am left taking deep breaths.... telling myself to "get it together and just chill." But then when I meet someone I feel lukewarm for... suddenly he is bombarding me with calls, cards, flowers and ready to propose!


You begin to wonder when there will ever be a true sense of balance and control... it is all a balancing act. Every day I am learning. But.... ya gotta have some faith.... right..... RIGHT?


Wrong, its just all over for us. Faith is for the blind.


if you want to settle with the first piece of meat that comes you way go ahead and do that........i have no beef with it


No beef? Jeez I hate vegetarians.

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A girl I knew was approaching 31 and was asked by an ex to get back together,get married and migrate and she said okay even though she wasn't in love with this guy...but what the hell she was' past it' and 'time was running out' so now 3 years of misery later she's separated and miserable and then met a guy she felt real chemistry with.....alas she can do nothing with this guy because she's married and chose to 'settle'.

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Heh, well, why don't you ask my sister about "settling"? She had a great husband and two daughters with him, but she got jealous that he was getting so much attention for completing his education to become a cop, that she ended up running out on her family, and is now living with a pothead trailer trash hick that she claims is very abusive.


Or how about my uncle, who had found the love of his life, but lost touch with her when she was forced to move away? He ended up marrying the skankiest woman ever. Seriously, this woman slept with anyone she could get her hands on. Low lifes, druggies, my other uncles, my mom's ex-husband... and this was all while she was with my uncle! She claims to have "found God" and turned her life around, but even at family reunions, she becomes very flirtacious around her daughters' boyfriends, and any other guy she might lure in. To this day, everyone in my family knows how she is, but no one says anything, because we don't know if my uncle is just completely oblivious to all this, or if he knows, but chooses to ignore it so he at least has some one.


Either way, based on those experiences, I'd say I'm pretty wary of the idea of settling. Though, I'm willing to bet that after I hit a certain age, I'd probably just throw my beliefs about the idea out the window and settle down with who ever I can find... >_

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I'm talking more about settling for "good enough". Someone who you might not be overwhelmingly attracted to but has a good job and shares your religion and is somewhat intelligent and fairly goodlooking.


Yes you should settle for such a person and encourage them to be more awesome cause they sounds pretty well put together as a group.

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