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Please dont.


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I see a lot of posts about suicide and how lonely life is. I am here to say please don't. You don't realize the pain and agony it causes someone. I know life is hard and very depressing and that taking your life may be your only way out - but please be strong. I understand that for most of you that are thinking about suicide, you feel as this is your last and only option. It really isn't!!


I am talking from personal experience from having my best friend take her own life. I was the last one she called and unfortunately that night, i got into another fight with my current ex and was too tired to hear the fatal phone call at 4:45am. I had to wake up to hear her voice on my voicemail trembling saying she was sorry for everything that she had done and what she was going to do. That she cared for me and nothing will change that. I had to find out by calling her house that she slit both her wrists and ended her own life.


I hold out hope that each and every one of you mean something to his world and will get through this. Please do not feel the need to make such a crazy and hurtful decision. Each and every one of you are cared for in some way and with help, you can make it through this. Please for your sake, if you are at the very edge, don't jump. Call crisis lines, come here and vent and vent and vent. We will all read it and help you through anything you are going through.


People of ENA are here to give advice but are also hear the read the stories that come out of your fingers and will make every effort to help you. If anybody feels like they need someone to talk to in PM's or anything else, my inbox is always open.


It's unfortunate that i went through the horrible and agonizing pain that she is gone and that i can't call her for help, support, or anything else that pops into my life. I wish i could tell her that i cared for her and such, and i don't want anybody to go through that as i did.


I hope this hits your heart and i pray that you find the strength inside of you to fight through this. Please stay strong.

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Very good post!!!


I was already thinking about writing a book about suicide in my country where the suicide rates are some of the highest in the world, even I wanted to end my life that way a few times and relatives too... Last time I finally realized that the reason to live for anyone who wants to commit suicide should be preventing others from doing it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going to bump this just in case someone needs to read it. I hope everyone is okay and i hope that this letter at least helps 1 person think about what they might be doing if they head down that road. Good Luck everyone as i pray that you will find strength in yourself to get through this.

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Interesting how you play the devils advocate and think that ending your life is the ultimate solution and that there pain is far worse then everyone else in this world.


You think any persons feelings other then there own are being thought of when they commit suicide? I would bet not as it is a complete selfish act that devastates most people. I know the world isn't perfect and that ending your life seems like the best solution out there, it really isn't.


Another statistic? To you yes, to the person that actually cared for them, even if only 1 person did and couldn't help them, all suicide brings is hopelessness and complete devastation. You think that suicide is something that is so easily forgotten on a statistic when people actually suffer when this sort of tragedy happens.


I wrote this in hopes that i can touch someone that may be extremely close to the edge. I have gone through this and was almost successful at committing suicide myself. The world is a bad place to live in BUT as i stated, i hold out hope that this helps at least one person step back from the edge and realize what they are doing. It is good that you brought this up because for me, one persons suicide isn't a statistic, it is someone who chose death and for that 1 person that cares or for a family that cared, it is a cut that never stops bleeding and if i can stop one person from doing that to someone, that is all i can ask for.


*About the person that was going through hell 24/7, i would sure hope that they would at least try to get help or tell someone that might care for them that their world is crumbling before doing this. I didn't get that chance and everyday for the last year and a half has been complete agonizing torture. I wish she came to me for help before it was too late. At least that way i could have shared her pain instead of her taking it all on her own.

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I am pro choice when it comes to suicide, if someone is of clear mind and wants to take their own life then so be it i wouldnt stand in their way. While i agree in some ways with RonmoeDama's post, i think he could have put his point over more diplomatically.


Gizmo, you put accross some decent points but i have to disagree with some of them and its only my opinion. We all view things differently so really there is no right or wrong answer or view point. One thing a lot of people forget is that not all people suicide due to depression/mental illness, some do it due to severe crippling pain or have a an illness thats going to leave them disfunctional like MS and these people dont want to end up like that so they choose to die with dignity. I personally dont think suicide is a selfish act, while i am deeply suicidal myself, i do think a lot of how my death would hurt my family and it pains me a lot. At the end of the day though i have to do what i think is right for me regardless of how it affects others.


A lot of people consider suicide due to being mildly depressed and low or dare i say just down in the dumps and for these people i do believe there is help via meds, p-doc, family support etc. I hope you post here will help these people find a way to make life better. I think though and again its only my opinion, there are going to be people who cannot be saved regardless of support etc and these people can find your post patronising even thought its not your intent. I.e your first post where you state, I see a lot of posts about suicide and how lonely life is. I am here to say please don't. You don't realize the pain and agony it causes someone. I find that patronising for me because i do realise the pain and agony i would cause, you make it sound like no suicidal person has taken these things into account.


Anyway, im not having a dig at you here and hope i have not offended you, while i do feel your intentions and genuine, i feel your wording and approach needs some more thought and i do hope your post does help some people find the light.

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Life does not mean anything unless you make it mean something. Likewise, I think that a lot of my problems stem from a sense of impenetrable solitude. I don't feel like I belong or fit in anywhere, but I guess that I can still find enough reasons to wake up every morning in order to do it... just without the enthusiasm that I suppose I should be feeling at this point in my life. I have thought about suicide many times.... I have visualized myself doing it in my mind, and ultimately it left me with a feeling of emptiness.... I don't think that it is a true escape from anything. Someday, you will get your turn to shuffle off this mortal coil, so why not step up to the plate and give this life thing another shot while you still can? What do you have to lose? Why not start living for yourself and start fighting for your own dreams... and if you are accepted or rejected, does it really matter at this point when you are willing to put a bullet into your own head? Live your life... the world is a chaotic place and no matter how hard we try to control things... life is spontaneous and random.... Who knows where you will be ten years from now.... So, just hang in there. That's what I try to tell myself anyway....

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