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Going to ask her to study with me...


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Well things are going really well with this girl in my class, so I was going to ask her to study with me outside of class in the library sometime. I was going to tell her, I'd find it more enjoyable than always doing everything by myself, plus I have fun working with her in class. So does this sound like a good idea?

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wait. i think that might be a bit forward. i'd say something like 'hey, you want to get together and go over ____ and ____? i could really use the help.' even if it's just 15 minutes before class or after. i wouldn't tell her cause you find it more enjoyable than being alone or that you have fun with her in class. but if you have a good rapport with her, sure, ask her to study.

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Oh, I was kind of in a hurry when I wrote that first part, I was going to tell her that when I'm doing the work by myself I have more of a "do it and get it done" attitude, and I think I would get more out of it if I was working with someone, and for the most part this is actually true.


I already know she probably wouldn't mind studying with me. Once, we were talking about how much we studied the night before and she said that there was only so much we could do by ourselves when we studied. I guess that would have been the perfect time to have done it, but I wasn't exactly as open to her at that point int time. Ah, well, I can work with what I can do now.


You know, I never really thought about how much studying would be done... I mean even in class we can't do anything without laughing at least a little. Thanks guys, really. *SIGH* At least I'm not scared to do this anymore.


Looking at my past, I can say that I'm a little impressed with how far I've come along in this, I remember when I would coward out of things like this left and right, I guess the key is just to keep pushing yourself, and when you see good results come out of it that just stacks on to your confidence.


I do have another question, now that the importance of being indirect came up. The other day, after class, I asked her about her next class and if she was going. I then said that I'd come too (I didn't ask her). She kind of giggled and responded with "you''ll come too?" I wasn't expecting this (although I was expecting something similar?), and didn't know what she was implying, so out of confusion I stuttered out a crappy excuse of not being familiar with the area that her next class was in, but I have a feeling she didn't buy that cause she didn't respond to it. It turned out that the class was in a building that was right outside the building we were in, just a little ways, so she easily could have just told me. Did I make my intentions too obvious? Not that it matters I guess, cause she didn't act any different and the talk there was full of energy.

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My Spring break is in a week, so I'm gonna be busy this week. I'm still gonna ask to study cause its starting to pick up momentum, I'm gonna fool around til I fall behind!


You have no time to have a one hour lunch or soda with her? I doubt that.

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