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Hi guys. I've not been on here for a while. The reason being that I found that the more I read on these forums, the more upset I got. I had to have a complete break from everything. It helped me stop thinking about my ex and I'm in a much better place now.


For those that don't really know the story, I found a message on my ex's wall on Facebook on her birthday from a friend saying: "I hope the bf spoils you rotten!". Up until this point, myself and my ex were making reasonable progress as friends and I felt quite confident that things were improving from what they were. Did I want her back? Yes. Although I was convincing myself that I didn't. I just wanted to be close to her as a friend.


Obviously, finding this out changed me. To be honest, I wasn't angry. I had suspected it for a while. I told her that I knew about it and told her that I was happy for her. I then left her life. That was a month ago or so.


We texted each other again over the weekend just to catch up. It's strange. She doesn't seem like she's with a boyfriend. Her Facebook status doesn't say so either...


It's really weird at the moment. I'm in two minds. I am certainly over the worst of it all. I am no longer spending hours sulking about not being together. I am living my life to the extreme. I am really enjoying my freedom. However, at the same time, I still can't move on in the sense that I have bottled going out on a few dates. I've had a few one night stands but they have been hollow.


Is it wrong to not be upset about your ex but still want her back? Does that make sense? What I mean is that I am not interested in anyone else but my ex but I am not going on an all out attack to win my ex back.

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Is it wrong to not be upset about your ex but still want her back? Does that make sense? What I mean is that I am not interested in anyone else but my ex but I am not going on an all out attack to win my ex back.

There's nothing wrong with feeling that way but from what you've written it just sounds like you haven't found anyone else yet and that's why you're turning back to the ex - not because the ex is particularly special or exclusive. And hence, that'd be a pretty silly reason to go back to her if you did get the chance.


Just slow down, enjoy your life and someone will come along. Just because you haven't found anyone special yet, in the space of a mere few months, doesn't mean that there's no-one out there but her. If you aren't upset about her anymore then that's certainly a good sign that you're moving on; don't let anything get in the way of that.

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