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I've been split up with my boyfriend now for six weeks. I loved him more than anything in the world and still do, I thought he felt the same about me, so when it came out the blue that he wanted to split up I was shocked. In the time we've split up he's moved on (it took him two weeks) and that hurts so much, it's come to the point now that I can't even speak to him when I see him because I get too upset. I cried for about three weeks when we split up. I've been strong for the past two weeks, trying to get on with my life and finally accepting the fact that he doesn't want me back.


The past two days though, ive been so depressed, i'm so confused as to what I want. I don't know if i miss him or miss having someone there for me, or if I just need a good cry. When I think of him it hurts so much, and even more when I think of him with someone else. Im sad that we havent spoken for two weeks, but he doesnt seem to be bothered. When I see him I just want to throw up!


I don't know what to do. I want to get on with my life, I dont want to hurt anymore, but I cant stop thinking about him. What can I do?

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thanx for your advice boundaries. This weekend has been a bit of a turning point for me! I had a good cry and let everything off my chest. I cried not just for my ex but for everything thats happened to me in the past couple of years that i've kept bottled up. Ive never been able to grieve properly (my nana and granda died within a few months of each other) because ive always had someone else to think about, but now i only have myself! I quit my job, which i have been unhappy in for a long time, and I had the girls round last night and we had a really good time! Before i used to find myself really looking forward to a tuesday as that is the day that i would see him at uni, but thinking about it im dreading it instead. I dont know if thats a good thing? I feel as though it is. I feel things r on the up for me now. Things are still hard, but i know its going to get better. Thanks again x

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