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i can get a girl's # and then....


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Well, my problem is simply this... I can approach a girl, talk to them like i've known them forever. Then they are more than willing to give me their number. I'll call and we'll talk or whatever. But it seems to never go past that stage, well at least not yet anyway.

It seems there is always an excuse as to why they can't go do something whether it be school, family visiting for holidays, or work.

Anyone have any advice on how I can triumph over this? And how to keep a girl interested?


Any advice would be helpful, thanx alot!

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Hello neighbor fellow Floridian.


When you call them up, ask them when they are available for a date, if they say they dont know, ask them to look in their busy schedule for a time when she is free, if she cant tell you then and there, then say, ok, Ill give you time to find an opening.


you see, you put them on the spot here, they dont want to look like they are the one asking for a date, but they may actually be busy on the date/times you came up with. and you would look silly sitting there guessing all the time until by luck you hit an opening.


Let them tell you when they can be with you, insist on a date and time.


these gals seem to be interested in you, you just need to be a little more assertive on getting a date/time. and if they dont show up, dont call them, dont ask whythey didnt show up, just call someone else make another date.

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