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Bored with life - feeling lost...


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Hey, recently I've been feeling bored with life. I've been depressed on and off for a little while and I feel like the reason is because I can't see a positive future for myself.


I'm 20 years old and I'm currently at university, although the course I'm studying isn't something I feel passionate about. I've already dropped out of another course previously and I just feel kinda lost and unsure what to do with my life.



I feel like every option leads to sadness/boredom.


E.g. If I drop out of university and get a job it will most likely be a boring desk job or something that you need zero qualifications for.


If I continue and graduate university I will then get a job doing something I dislike and will just be working for the money.



Even when I think about doing something I might like it starts to become too predictable. Get a job - move out - get married - have kids....yadayadayada.



I think maybe the reason I've been switching courses and so forth is because I'm looking for some excitement and less predictability, but I don't want to mess up my whole life just because it seems predictable.



Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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I know what you mean. I keep switching programs at school and that makes me feel like I'm gonna be stuck in college for the rest of my life only because I don't know what to do with it. It's kinda like, you don't want to be disappointed 30 years down the road because of what you chose as a path.


I'm not very good an giving advice, but this is what I can offer: Try taking some sort of complementary class that gets you out of your comfort zone. It's really exhillarating to complete something new, something you've been afraid to try out before.


Stop thinking about the far future. A brief outline or a plan is okay, but when you're constantly waiting for the future to happen, because you think you'll be happy or have an adventurous life then, you're missing out on the details of today, tomorrow, even what's happening in the next hour.


Take it day by day, and find adventure now in everyday life. I mean, I don't know, try a new fruit everyday, or go bungee jumping this weekend-- anything!


Also, if I were you, I'd choose a so-so job with a good salary and spend the money I earn to do things I LOVE.


If anything, if you find out 30 years later that the career you chose is not right for you...well, you can always go back to school and learn something new. That's the great thing about education here. It's not over. It's never over. I have a 30 year old woman with 3 kids in one of my classes, and I don't look down on her for going to school so late in her life. I actually admire her motivation and dedication. That's all it takes.


Hang in there. Hope this helped =)

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