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Over 30s men: single mother w/special needs child. Would you date her?


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My brother is 35 years old, has a steady job, his own place, car, etc. He's been divorced for a few years and has dated quite a few women.


Recently he told me about his newest love interest:

She's in her late 20s or early 30s, has 2 kids, one of them has Down's Syndrome.


From what he tells me she's attractive, smart, very sweet, etc. She hasn't been able to work since her son was born because of his needs.


He seems pretty serious about her, and I'm happy for them.


I was just wondering how many other guys would date a woman in the same situation?


P.S. I directed this at the over 30s crowd because I wouldn't expect most guys in their 20s to even consider a single mother, let alone one with a child with special needs.

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Thanks for the response Clementine. It's good to know my brother isn't the only one.


He keeps surprising me with how good of a guy he really is.


For reference - He's 6'3", athletic build, dark eyes & hair, attractive & charismatic. He has women throwing themselves at him. lol But instead of using his "powers" for evil, he's actually a sweet guy.

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Thank you for the response rootcause.


You're right about realizing that there is no "perfect." I think some people learn this later than others. There are some guys on here in their 30s complaining about really silly things. It made me wonder how many other guys might be like that and how many would be more understanding and accepting of a woman in my brother's gf's situation like yourself and Clementine.

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Thank you Lady D.


I haven't had much exposure to children or adults with Downs Syndrome and I'm looking forward to meeting my brother's girlfriend and her children. From what you're saying, the woman you met sounds a lot like her. I wonder if having a child with special needs makes you lovely, kind, & strong -or if G_d knows what He's doing and only gives these children to naturally special people....

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