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hitting often indicates attraction

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...when a girl likes a guy. This doesn't mean the same thing when a woman hits another woman and it's frustrating because I'm attracted to the woman who likes to hit me when I say something funny. I don't really think it's all that funny, but she does. This whole "is she attracted to me?" routine is starting to grow old and I haven't liked that many women. "Well, my other female friends don't hit me. I don't see them hitting one another. I hit guys I'm attracted to, so maybe she does like me. I hit guys that I really like as friends so she just really likes me as a friend..." I am sick of thinking so much about these little things.


This is the same woman that stares at me each time I pass. The same woman that has walked away from me after a chat and has turned around and smiled at me. The same woman who asked a few times about my relationships. Who I've noticed looking at my boobs and looking me up and down. Studying me. The same woman who is married and it shouldn't matter.


I can't help who I'm attracted to, but at times I wish that I wasn't attracted to her. My life would be much easier. I wouldn't feel so lonely at times. Not being able to express myself in some way feels so horrible. I like men. They flock to me, but I haven't found anyone that keeps my interest lately. Not any that can take my mind off of her for more than a few days. I tell ya, it feels good to be distracted. I get a break from thinking about her.


Can anyone else relate to this?

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Next time she stares at you just say is there something wrong with me or do you just like what you see.Hitting someone could be an attraction its there way of wanting to touch you,who knows what goes on in a persons mind at the time.Next time she hits you ask her if she hits her other friends or is it me you just like to hit,ask her why she does it.

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