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am i in her "circle"???

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Today we were setting up our classes for next year, and the girl i like was there and she was like "my name" dont leave me. so i stayed with her for like 1 hour while she set up her classes and stuff. and my teacher was there from last year and me and him were talkin and stuff , and she walked up to me put her arm around mine and my teacher was like who is this gorgeus young lady, she told him i was her boyfriend my face was like heh does that mean something?, Also when we walked out she saw a group of her friends and introuduced me to them then her and one of her friends put there arms around each of my arms and we walked to class. she told her friends i was her best buddy and stuff. well her class is like on the other side of the school then mine and she was gonna go to class. and she was like bye! and gave me a hug, one of her friends was like why dont u walk with him to his class and well meet u in the hall on ur way to class. Does this mean ive also been approved by her friends?

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Don't you get it? She obviously likes you. You have posted messages about your situation numerous times and I have read most all of them. Take the hint and ask her on a date. if she really likes you, what does it matter to you if her friends like you? Truth is, it doesn't.


All the replies to all of your messages I have read are encouraging you to go through with this. What is your hangup? If I was getting signs like that from a girl, well lets just say that, you wouldn't have posted all of these messages because I would have done someting already. That is based on your previous posts.


If you don't ask her out, she will give up and go after someone else. it is your choice. If not, then pass my name on, i'd like to meet her. She sounds determined, and I like that in a girl.


Dammit! your next post better be that you have done something about this!

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LOL alright bro. i thank u for ur time reading my Bullshit but i just am not sure if she likes me. i mean sometimes we dont talk for the whole day and the next we talk everytime we see eachother i mean its so inconsistent and shit i just dont know what to do.


i guess i need to ask her out ill wait to valentines day to grow some balls. thanks alot. really i thank u for ur time to read my BS ill pass a pic along with that too if i dont ask her. heh

i am just so god damn scared of rejection it blows my confidence to shit..



everyone and there mamas have told me to ask her out. so i guess its a all go go go situation.

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Yes! Do it! From a woman's perspective, SHE LIKES YOU!!!! She is waiting for you to make a move already. Dont wait til valentines day. Ask her out now and plan something special for you twoo for valentines day. The longer you wait, the more impatient she will get. how do you know that some other guy isn't planning to ask her out 4 vday?? You batter beat him! (at the race, not physically...hahaha) Besides, the longer you wait to ask her, the more she will think that you are a coward...you dont want her thinking that of you do you? noooo. Don't fear rejection so much because, half the time, or more, you have nothing to be scared of, and she digs you! She is sending you clear signals so go for it! Do it asap! Then you will know she is yours for vday



Oh yeah, and F.Y.I., he's right, it doesn't matter what her friends think...but just so you know...it sounds like they "approve"

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heh thanks guys u are cool people.


gosh i need some emotional support/ backup for this.

i think ill get one of my boys to come with me when i ask her. or i know for damn sure ill do something stupid. this (censored)is hard. ussually i dont have this much of a hard time. its just that this girl seems SOo way outta my league, shes so pretty.


well guys Thanks for everything ill tell u how it goes ill ask her out this week if i can gather my (censored)together and put it out. time for some nerve numbing

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Mr. Procrastinator, I told you to go for it, what are you waiting for? The second coming of Christ? I advise against having "one of your boys" come along for the ride. Regardless of how close they are to you, it is still better to do this alone. The whole going with a friend thing will make you look not only like a coward to the girl you are asking, but your friend as well.


Oh, by the way, I am planning on asking her out on Valentines Day, she is in grade 11 right? I say that you had better get your arse in gear and do something. Don't make me have to find you and knock sense into you (I'm just kidding, but I shouldn't be). I mean, this thing has been going on for months, what is your problem.


Oh, and some reassurance with not taking a friend along with you. She likes you, is probably in love with you, by taking a friend you will look like an ass because you are basically guaranteed with her.


Let me know, best of luck!

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