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help..may have ruined something!


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Hi all, and first of all thanks for listening to me. I am 19 years old and met this girl that i think i really like. We go to the same college and I ve known her for about 2 monthes. The ohter night we were hanging out partying and we came back to my place. That is the problem. Once we got back here it seemed like i froze up and could not make a move or anything. this is a big problem. It seemed like she wanted me to, but i just could not do it. Then finally before we went to sleep, we made out for a little, but that was it and we both went ot sleep. Then the next morning i took her home and that was that. I feel like such a loser and think I may hvae turned her away or something like that..who knows. I called her later the next day and left a message saying i had a great time with her and def. wnated to do it again. any advice wold be greatly appreciated. I wish i wasent this shy! ugg..thanks again y'all

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Firstly dont feel bad about yourself!!! You dont need to use every oportunity to jump someone. Sometimes things go fast sometimes slow. Women often appreciate the fact that guys show a bit of respect and dont dive straight in as long as she knows you are interested. Which I think she does.


Hope it goes well, try not to stress.

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well i think she respects the fact that you didn't make a move, it showed her that you respect her and yourself to a degree where you wouldn't make your self seem desperate for only "SEX" so high marks for you on that playing field, and keep in mind sex to soon can ruin everything. I'm glad it was only kissing and nothing more. why i say that is because she might have been testing you to see where you stood, and without you making a move, further than kissing.


she now could see you as a potential person to date, rather than just have sex with..you've only known her for 2 months, and I'm assuming drinking was a contributing factor which lead you back to your place in hopes of getting some warm biscuit (sorry for the term used) *lol*


but i think your still in good shape, you have this in the bag, you just need to seal it..if that is your goals here. just don't end up being like other guys, hit it leave it...try to make something more out of this.

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Hey...its not the end of the world, if she wanted it bad and was desperate for it, it would've happened!


However if you did really want 2 seize the moment, then u've made an ass outta urself..but don't worry, that's what these lessons are for so u don't make the same mistake next time, or, u might but eventually, lessons will be learnt.


Don't cut urself up about it, she could've been just wanting a one night stand or like some posters have said "testing you" wait till u get a reply and see what happens...


There's always ups and downs to everything, it's all ok still!


Happy Heb

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