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My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and have had many problems with the exgirlfriend. About 5 months into the relationship, they ran into each other for the first time since they broke up(together for 3 years)- He came back and was confused, wanted space. I gave him space for a couple weeks and he ended up calling & begging for me back- I took him back and he said all they did was try to kiss, but it didn't feel right and so they stopped. Well, 3 months went bye and she emailed him, then they started talking and said they wanted to just be friends. I was uncomfortable and we talked about it for a long time, but I agreed it was not my choice and if he wanted to, then he wanted to but I didn't feel comfortable with it knowing she wants him back. So another 3 months went by and they hadn't talked in a week or so and he emailed her to see how things were going.... she had said she was surprised to hear from him because of what conversation her and I had... (which we never had) and that I told her to "stop calling you F***ing B**ch"- he called me immediately and questioned it- I was honest with him saying I never said such a thing and he should trust me. He was confused... then I told him to find his priorities and if he loves me to trust me and obviously she lied... and he doesn't need a friend like that. Well, our anniversary came that week and he surprised me by taking off work to hang out.. I brought it up and he said he didn't want to ruin our day by talking about it.... except then we had sex and I spent the night and now he's out of town probably thinking he doesn't have to deal with it.... what should I do or say?Please help any advice from a man's prospective? I love him and don't want to not be with him, but i can't get past this without talking about it!!!

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Perhaps you have to ask urself, do you really like this chick hanging around him coz my answer if i were in ur position would be no. And if that was the case, screw all this what u said and what she said thing, tell him straight, u don't like her being around him and its her u don't trust... If he really wants 2 hurt ur feelings, he can go right on ahead, but how are u gonna deal with that?


Happy Heb

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thanks for the input- but we've already discussed all of that and I don't want to give ultimatums, but I feel like I have no choice- is that fair to do now with all that has happened? what will happen if I do? I just feel like there's something with her or about her that he can't let go of........

please help.... i'm so confused- i love him and we have talked about our future and marriage and now I'm not so sure what we should do?

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Hey I kinda do understand...but u'll crack eventually, if u're bothered, its going to be easier to think about what to say to him and stuff coz I cracked and it wasn't good... if i had a choice, i'd rather have thought about it first. Constantly remind him that u're not happy bout it, he'll feel guiltybut if he knos there's nothing going on...he won't mind, it just goes 2 show how much u care for him and the two of u's.


Whateva happens, don't worry, if he really loves you, he won't cheat on u...


Happy Heb

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