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confused like allways


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Ok first I have to say thanks for all the help in the past, Well like I posted along time ago the girl that I liked we had a fight apretty bad one and we did not talk for a month then out of the blue she called me and sead that we need to talk, so I meet her and I found out why every thing went down hill long story lot of so called friends backstabed me. Well we both aggred that we were dateing. So we talked all night and left with a hug, about two days later she called me up and we hangged out during the night I asked her what was going on between us and she told me that she did not know, then she asked me what I would like to do. I told her that I would like to date her she was ok with that but we are not b/f g/f thing (if you know what I meen like we can still dat outher people until we feel like we should hook up) now this is good thing I think. I really like her so I probly wont ask out outher people. The big question is how should I go into this relasionship slow but not to slow. I have never been in an relasionship like this before and I need all of the help that you guys can give. Thanks of reading.

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Hey Cid,


I think by your post you mean that you would like some advice on how to make this relationship the best it can be.Well congratulations to you on your new relationship first of all.


If the two of you have agreed to 'see each other' rather than actually be bf and gf,then i think you are wise to want to take it slow.


My advice would be to follow her lead most of the time,especially if your not sure what she wants out of this relationship yet.Dont see her too often,otherwise she will feel smothered and that way it will be more exciting when you do see each other and you will have loads to talk about.


Also,just try to play it cool,dont bug her with phonecalls and the like,but do phone her just to say 'hi' every so often,that way she will know that your thinking of her.


You could always ask her where she sees the relationship going in the future,but not just yet,leave it a while before saying that otherwise she might feel pressured.


But above all have fun!!!go places together,laugh at things,watch movies,anything!! Just have fun together and im sure she'll want to move the relationship on.


Good luck Cid!

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Do what you can to move at her pace, and try to make some of your dates more "fun and impulsive" than just typical romantic type ones, it helps keep the pressure low and show her your fun side as well. Like, if you take her to a club to listen to music one night, mix it up with bowling or mini golf or something another, something that gives a lot of openings for teasing and laughter, lol, and some flirting without it being obviously "relationship" oriented. The better she feels about each time she sees you, the more she's gonna want to see you

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