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Crawling in my skin


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I am so bored where I live. I currently live with my mom (I am 26) in a weathy retirement/golfing area(although we are not weathy). I really am at the point where I dont care about anything else except getting out. The good things are that I have a great job and the freedom to focus on finishing school. Also I have no financial worries like i have in the past. But I feel like I am going crazy. I barely know anyone out here and the people I do know or meet are all in relationships or married or have kids. The school I go to is extremely small and made up of older adults...there just isnt a lot of young people in this area.I dont know what to do. I can stay 5 more months and finish out these two quarters and then finish school somewhere else or I can move, change my life completely and struggle financially until I finish school. But I will have a social life and not feel crazy...or will I still feel crazy with all of the extra pressure? I just dont know what to do. I have about a year and a half left of school and I dont think I can take it that long out here. Also I am single and I need to date!!!!! Should I do the smart secure predictable thing or the exciting last minute move into the unknown?

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You're better off the way you are now.


Having little friends is the result of being too lazy to go out and make them.


Having no money, friends which require money to do things with, and a cramped bachelor pad which smells like cheese, but still takes all the little money you do make, and no education possibility to finish school and improve conditions? Way worse.


In the end, it's 5 months. And Im sure there's atleast a handful of people in your school that aren't married, and are interested in hanging out/dating/etc.

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Why don't you get your own flat? It can be two doors down from you parents, or accross the road. Just get a little independence. You don't have to make a massive change and go to a new school, make some little simple steps first. Why not join a few hobbie groups as well, or *gasp* try internet dating and meeting friends.

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Why don't you get your own flat? It can be two doors down from you parents, or accross the road. Just get a little independence. You don't have to make a massive change and go to a new school, make some little simple steps first. Why not join a few hobbie groups as well, or *gasp* try internet dating and meeting friends.



Hey thanks for the replies.


I wont get my own place out here because the only reason why I am living out here is because I can live for free. Ive done internet dating and the selection out here isnt that good. Im not joking when I say there are very little amounts of young people esp. young single people.

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You can always live on your own for a while, and run back to your parents when you figure out that the real world is a little more challenging


Trust me I have since I was 18. I moved back in a year ago It wasnt that bad or hard living on my own. I actually worked as a massage therapist so it was easy for me to go to school and pay my own bills. Unfourt. I had to quit doing massage and didnt know what else to do to support myself. Now I think I can waitress and be ok.

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