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What does it mean when a man starts acting like this?


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when i was with this guy whenever i was over his house spending time with him, he wouldn't say anything to me. he'd just be laying in the bed quiet. i would try to start a conversation with him and joke he wouldn't laugh or act entertained. he'd just lay there like he was dead.


i would always ask him if we could go out to a movie or dinner and he would always say that he was broke and didn't have any money. yet he call me on the phone and tell me how he went out with his friends to the casino


one time that we went to the mall and he disappeared on me in the department store. and when i found him he acted like it wasn't a big deal even though i was searching all over the store for 15 min trying to find him.


& when we walked through the store/mall he would either walk behind me or ahead of me.


why was he acting like this? I asked him what was wrong but he just said nothing like it wasn't a problem. but i know there was one.

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I was stressing out thinking maybe he didn't like my outfit or my hair. Once when we went to the movie theater we were standing in line waiting to buy some popcorn, he gets irritated and gives me his money and tells me to order his food for him. He leaves to go find a seat in the theater. He expects me to be able to find him a dark crowded theater while balancing a bunch of food!

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Hm... if you guys aren't dating he my be playing some kind of mind game. If he acts detached, you'll think about him more and feel like you may have done something wrong when you didn't.


I don't know the guy so I can't say that for sure. I mean if your not in a relationship/have an interest, it shouldn't matter so much if he went his separate way in the mall. Me and my friends often split up so I put it on the same level as that.


Sounds like he's tryin to "play it cool"... keep me update how things turn out. This is intersting...


"I was stressing out thinking maybe he didn't like my outfit or my hair. Once when we went to the movie theater we were standing in line waiting to buy some popcorn, he gets irritated and gives me his money and tells me to order his food for him. He leaves to go find a seat in the theater. He expects me to be able to find him a dark crowded theater while balancing a bunch of food!"


...Yea. He's "Being a man" by not letting you dominate him in anyway. I'm no player, but I know how the game works. It could be just who he is also...


I was stressing out thinking maybe he didn't like my outfit or my hair.


That's an example of what I'm talking about. It's like you want his approval and when he doesn't give it to you, you try harder to get his attention. If he REALLY likes you, he wouldn't treat you that way. I have no idea if that's your concern though...


Good luck

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Yeah, I agree he is playing mind games. Time to walk away from this one. He is behaving in a rude and selfish manner and you don't need to be treated like that. The problem is with him, not you. Don't even give this person the right time of day...he is a lowlife who seems to think his s..t doesn't smell. Don't get insecure about yourself because of this man...people who behave like that are the ones with low self-esteem and mega-self-hatred which they are trying to project on to someone else in order to make themselves feel better. Don't let his ridiculous behaviour towards you determine your self-worth. There are so many people out there who will treat you with the respect you deserve...you don't need this loser.

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