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If I could catch a rainbow,

I would do it just for you

And share with you it's beauty,

On the days you're feeling blue.


If I could, I'd build a mountain

You could call your very own,

A place to find serenity,

A place to be alone.


If I could take your troubles,

I would toss them in the sea,

But all these things I'm finding

are impossible for me.


I cannot build a mountain

Or catch a rainbow, fair,

But let me be what I know best,

A friend that's always there,


And a Love that will never disappear.

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a very touching poem i enjoyed it much so.

i think that its emotions that wed all like to be capable of sharing and then sometimes our emotions are so out of hand we dont know what to do.


i stick by the saying

''a thousand things to say but only a few words come out''

in some occasions its so true and you are incapable of doing what you want.


i particularly liked the lines

If I could take your troubles,

I would toss them in the sea,


anyway great poem. kel

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Yo thats a great message keep wriing them. You should try something creative like writing your own poem book, great poem and you have alot of talent you should read my sisters poems if i find one i might send it to you Keep up the good work.












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