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The father of my baby and I have been living with each other for 31/2 years but met 4 years ago. Honestly, I am very unhappy. This sounds pathetic. Your probably wondering why i'm still with him? Yeah, i'm stupid. He doesn't attract me physically. On the other side, he is very sweet and that attracts me emotionally. He loves my daughter very much. You know, when I was in h.s my childhood bestfriend and I talked about the "perfect" man. That had a really good body and that will take my breath away. Why can't I breathe whenever i'm around him? Does that mean I am in love? Does it have to be him? He is very nice and attracts women who are around us. That makes me jealous. Yeah....he and I did a lot of damage to our relationship. Cheating, fighting, arguing...etc. Isn't that how it is supposed to be? I don't know. Then I have this "gut" feeling that he cheats on me. He said that wasn't true. Why don't I believe him? Am I in love?

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If you're jealous - you have some attraction feelings there, even if they're buried under other feelings, because if you think about it, if what you felt was only friendly, would the thought of him with someone else do anything except maybe give a little prick to your pride?


Is there any reason to think he's cheating on you beyond past history? I know your baby is young yet - have you felt less attractive to him since having her? There's a LOT of emotional stuff that goes on shortly after having a child, both physically created from your hormones bouncing around, and just from becoming a parent, having something else taking the main focus of your life, and how you feel about your body. Not to mention, no matter how much you love your baby, there's no getting around it changes a LOT of your lifestyle. Have you talked with him as far as how he feels about it?


Take a little time for yourself and see if you can come up with some ideas of where your feelings are coming from, both from things he might be doing, or signals he might be giving you, and from within yourself, and see if it gives you any ideas.

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