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Why do most women lie about this?

Fritz The Cat

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Because they figure if they get their foot in the door enough one of those times they'll get the door all the way open. And yes, that does in fact happen every once in a while although the person who accepts them for who they are rather than the person in their profile is often giving up something they wanted, so it really isn't all that fair.


THis is quite a juxtaposition however (I know you are not saying that you think they SHOULD just accept the person for who they are just commenting further on my thoughts on this):


And yes, that does in fact happen every once in a while although the person who accepts them for who they are rather than the person in their profile


When there is deceit being employed by the person posting the inaccurate pic they already have the gate almost completely closed on the person they are going out with accepting them for "who they are".


Because who they are is a bit deceitful. The person who posts the inaccurate pic will not be able to call the person they meet up with shallow if they don't like him/her. They will never know if the person might still have dated them had they not been duped.


If i were chatting with a man from a dating site who posted pics that were ten years old and i met him and was really shocked at the difference it would detract all chances that i might have liked him anyway had he been more honest.


The inaccuate or old pic tells me he is either:


1) very insecure with how he looks now and that is a redflag or


2) wanted to dupe me into going out with him and it was based on mild manipulation.


Or maybe a combo of the two. Either way, i doubt i'd be very interested in overlooking it and it has nothing to do with my being shallow and not liking the "real him".


Hope that rambling made sense.

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Another pet peeve of mine is women that post glamour shots taken at the local mall. I'm interested in seeing the real woman not one made up for a special occasion. I'm sure most men feel the same.


And once again....men do this too!


I purposely AVOIDED those black-and-white head shots that had the guy looking with his "deep" eyes into the camera or staring off into the distance (as if he was thinking of something deep other than "I hope I can move soon as my butt is falling asleep"). I knew one guy whom was online while I was there, whom had one of these shots (he looked liked a model in it). I never talked to him or contacted him...but I guess enough women met him and commented as he eventually put up a regular photo of himself and he looked TOTALLY different.


The best shots are those of the people actually living their life in my opinion.

That goes both ways.


The picture that woo'd my boyfriend over to send me an email was one of me where I had been riding my bike down on the Maah-Daah-Hey trail and got caught in a thunderstorm so the trail turned to clay/mud....I was covered head to toe in mud (and the cleanest thing on me was my teeth as I had a huge grin on my face) - my riding buddy took a shot of me with my bike post-thunderstorm. VERY unglamorous shot.....but very "me".

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Because they figure if they get their foot in the door enough one of those times they'll get the door all the way open. And yes, that does in fact happen every once in a while although the person who accepts them for who they are rather than the person in their profile is often giving up something they wanted, so it really isn't all that fair.


Yeah, I have to say my immediate thought is if I find out they deceived me is "they deceived me about this...what's next!" or that they obviously have some other issues they need to tackle before being in a relationship.


They better move their foot otherwise as my door might catch their toe as I shut it closed

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There are whole companies now that photograph people for dating sites. I am not photogenic in the least so I just chose the best of the bunch that I already had, which unfortunately meant the "cut off the ex's arm" shot. Most of the time I would ask my "date" if he thought the pictures were accurate and the response was either "yes" or "you're more attractive in person" - obviously they all could have just said that to be polite but it seemed like a natural response.

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There are whole companies now that photograph people for dating sites. I am not photogenic in the least so I just chose the best of the bunch that I already had, which unfortunately meant the "cut off the ex's arm" shot. Most of the time I would ask my "date" if he thought the pictures were accurate and the response was either "yes" or "you're more attractive in person" - obviously they all could have just said that to be polite but it seemed like a natural response.


Ha, I know exactly what kind of pic you are talking of...always giggle when I see a photo of someone with this big white space taking up part of the picture...shaped oddly enough like another human...


Even worse is the "erase the face" of the ex while the rest of the group in the picture (yourself and friends) are all still intact.


I never used those pics, but I admit when I FIRST started online I had a passport-like photo (and of course they are never entirely flattering!)...it actually worked pretty well as people emailed me to ask about my mug-shot I upgraded soon after fortunately, it was only as I was caught without a good photo initially!

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Well - I went one better - I had a lovely picture taken with my ex's mom. So, I cut her out of the pic. my ex calls me and half joking says, petulantly "you cut me out of your profile pic!!" I explained that, no, that pic was just of me and his mother. he was dumbfounded but finally said "you cut my MOTHER out of a picture??" but, what could he really say......

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