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Just a friend???


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Ok so here's my situation; there's this one girl that I really seem to like and have now for a while. I've dated other girls from our school but it keeps coming back to me liking her but I'm never able to get up the nerve to say anything. Now she's a friend of mine, has been for about 3 years, and we have the same close group of friends.


I like her more now than any of the other times though so I've been trying to get closer through talking to her more but I guess she just doesn't notice or whatever and it's driving me crazy. What's the best way to tell her how I feel or is it even suggested that I do?


What sucks is that I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I worry just about the same of not saying anything and losing any chance there could be at a relationship and saying something, being wrong, and messing up our friendship. I'm pretty confused and need help soon as there's dances (formal) if anyone could help me out?

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