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Now that I asked, what does it look like now?


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I finally asked this one girl (library clerk) out for a drink.


The minute that I asked her, she became almost shy or embarrassed looking.


I mean she began to smile excessively but not laugh that much. She acted like "What is going on here, almost?"


Then she told me, we couldn't go for drinks after work because she has class until 9PM.


I said darn or something close to it, then when I asked her for her number to maybe make later arrangements, she said she doesn't really give her number out but said I could have her email, which I got and emailed her but am still waiting for a response.


It feels good somewhat the way she acted but it felt like a turn-down at the same time.


How do any of you feel? I'm slightly confused, because this is the first time I ever asked a girl out to something and two she acted differently then I expected.

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Did she in any way suggest that perhaps another time would be more appropriate? Maybe she is just shy and didn't know how to take it, or was a bit apprehensive about giving her number out. Maybe she feels more comfortable with emails for now and giving her number later. I would wait to see if she replies to your email, or else you would come accross as you being too needy if you pursue asking her about it when you next see her.

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Sounds like no one has ever asked her out before and she has no idea what to do. This might not be a bad thing.


LOL, yeah, you can take advantage of her more easily. ;-)


In all seriousness, though, she probably hasn't been asked out before, so go easy on her. Be gentle and respectful, though if you don't hear from her in a couple days it would be cute if you stopped by her desk again to say "hi".

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Damn, this girl is so sweet and cute, I would be so shocked if no one else ever asked her out, or at least anyone that she ever liked.


But I have heard stranger things and can believe that it can be true.


She got so smilily and confused-like almost when I asked her out, I never seen her act that way before.


I guess only time will tell. .

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I'd hold off for any response. Considering it's probably 50/50 on whether she turned you down in a friendly manner or is too shy to handle the situation I'd make sure not to pressure her into anything. Give her a week or so and if she doesn't respond then drop by and say hi - but don't ask her out again. If she makes an excuse as for why she hasn't emailed then you can consider continuing to pursue the relationship. If she doesn't, it was probably a soft let down.


Just my 2 cents


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What was the email you sent like? Did you try to be funny, playful? I would have busted on her for that reaction. I actually would have said, "What you've never been asked out before?" "You can't pass this up a guy like me only comes around once ever generation." Maybe a little cocky but hey I'm special.

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I actually would have said, "What you've never been asked out before?" "You can't pass this up a guy like me only comes around once ever generation."


That's why we should leave the humor to the professionals.


I agree that you really don't know what her reaction was and you should just wait for her response. My guess is that she's shy. Very good looking + shy is often a prescription for not getting asked out a lot, except by cocky guys she has no interest in. To the others, she probably comes accross as unapproachable. If she's NOT shy and DOES get a lot of unwanted offers, I would think that her rejection skills would be much better.



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That's what I thought.


I'm in the library now.


The other college library though, not the one that she is at.


I never seen a girl act in such a way before. It was kinda funny. She was like, oh boy what do I do. I mean she really looked slightly confused.


I know I didn't sound confusing, so who knows there. Maybe she possibly is shy. I know she's very friendly, I can tell that now, even without her job. I talked to her one-on-one without job type stuff.


Thanks ghost69, for your reply. I knew you would have a good response. Especially since you know pretty much all about what lead up to all of this and how it was pretty much done.

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ghost69, maybe you can answer me this.


Why would this girl act like this?


I thought it was kinda strange but cute.


When I was just talking about normal things, like library or college stuff, she acted completely normal.


Yet, when I talked or discussed anything like going for a drink, getting her number, or anything, she was constantly smiling and sometimes giggling. I mean, it was like she was in some overjoyed mood or something.


Then she stopped and went back to normal, then when I talked to her again about getting together, boom the smiling and nervous acting with all the smiling action again.


What's with that behavior? She wasn't rude, so obviously it's not like she's thinking ewww. LoL. She was always completely nice.

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When I was just talking about normal things, like library or college stuff, she acted completely normal.


Yet, when I talked or discussed anything like going for a drink, getting her number, or anything, she was constantly smiling and sometimes giggling. I mean, it was like she was in some overjoyed mood or something.


Probably because she gets asked the same handfuls of questions in the library, and is comfortable answering them, because thats what she does all day long. But when she gets thrown for a loop (ask for a number/email) she gets all nervous because she isnt expecting that.



I agree with the others, shes probably never been asked out before...

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I say then some guys are pretty darn stupid or silly then.


She's awesome. I wish I would have asked her out a while back, but it was hard then.


This girl doesn't look like she would bite or anything.


She's so darn friendly and nice.


But maybe everyone was too nervous to ever ask her, I guess.


She's so darn cute also, you would think guys would be so around her, she would need a flyswatter.


I would think she could'nt count how many times she was asked on both her fingers and toes.


But maybe you are all right.


It was funny how she was ok, then not, then ok, then not, LoL.


You know when I asked her personal questions like, how often does she work? and Will she be here next semister?, and all that good stuff, she was oh so willing it seemed like. She acted like she was a close friend of mine or something. She did not refuse to answer a single question.


Only thing she ever did refuse was giving her number by saying she doesn't really give out her number but she can give me her email.

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asking about a class and her schedule is different than showing interest in her and asking her out. i bet she is a bit shy and timid. probably doesn't happen much. you pumped up her day for sure though man.



don't you feel good about yourself for actually going through with it?

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Yeah, I am definatly glad that I went through with it. I am just surprised at how she acted.


I felt like I was maybe going to get a definate no or a definate yes.


I just mentioned the last part about her answering all of my questions, because she could have just not cared to answer anymore questions or even she could have been like, none of your business, or something. Or maybe just got a little annoyed over all the questions. No, she stood through and answered them all. But this may not have to do with much.


I guess I did make her day. I mean she acted so funny and cute.


She was happy after I talked to her. I overheard her talking to some other people and boy was she happy. She was laughing and giggling and all that shiznit.

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That's funny how a girl can talk to you that easily and work in a college library and still be kinda shy and timid. Though I'm shy and timid and wish to eventually work in the library. I want to get my people skills up.


I figured helping people in a library outta be a great way to meet and interact with people. Also I will meet probably many cute young girls, even though it may be hard to hit on them on the job like that.


All I know is that, I will probably never forget how she got so darn nervous and acted nervous when I asked her out, LoL. It had to be one of the cutest things that I have ever seen. Believe it or not, I think she was more nervous than I was. She is so adorable. LoL. I always laughed and thought, what if she was actually a member of this forum, LoL.


No email reply yet, but that's not yet to say if she checked it or not. She's certainly a very interesting girl, LoL. At least I didn't get mixed up with an immature girl or something this time, LoL.

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Well that's true. I guess I never thought of it like that.


Maybe that's why she acted like she did, because she's more shy and timid, and doesn't look like it, perhaps at first.


Well if it fails with her, oh well. Maybe when I see her or if I do see her tomorrow, we will see. Maybe she will say something to me or something, who knows.


She acts like perhaps she wants to say yes but for some reason I feel a no.

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I'm curious because almost everyone said that she is probably quiet and/or shy.


When you talk to her, she seems normal and fine.


Why does almost everyone seem to think that she is quiet and/or shy?


It's not that I don't believe everyone, I'm just surprised, how it ended up being like an almost universal answer.


Is it really possible that a girl that cute, and I mean she is cute, rarely gets asked out and is actually shy and all of that?


She acts like she has no idea what to do when I ask her. I got that impression somewhat, anyway.


She looked like, "What do I do?" instead of just "Yes" or "No". It was like she really had to think about everything, like she wasn't certain about things.



Is it possible that she has a bf and at the same time wants to go with me for the soda, so she can't say yes or no? I was wondering this scenario also.


This girl basically became a bundle of nerves when I would ask her out and she also acted somewhat confused.

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Why does almost everyone seem to think that she is quiet and/or shy?


We are sorry.



Is it really possible that a girl that cute, and I mean she is cute, rarely gets asked out and is actually shy and all of that?


I think she was just shocked that you stepped up to the plate. Especially at school.



Is it possible that she has a bf and at the same time wants to go with me for the soda, so she can't say yes or no?


Just dont ask her if she does or not. I guess we can find out if she sends you an email....

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SuperSport, I am not mad that everyone thought she was shy or whatever.


I was just curious what I said that led to it, because she doesn't look shy but maybe she really is.


EDIT: Nvm, I re-read my original reply and now I see why you clipped out that little bit.


Also, I haven't gotten any reply at all, so it looks like a turn-down, but somewhat like you said SuperSport, I am relieved like you were when you first got turned-down. I'm not happy as hell, but it's like, well, at least I asked her, so what if she turned me down? I feel happy somewhat since I don't have a car and feel somewhat embarrassed, since I can't really take her anywhere, really.


Is it wrong to say relieved from a turn-down? I don't feel angry or sad really. I feel a tiny bit sad but that's normal for me.

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