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Upcoming holidays?


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Hi all was just wondering how everyone was feeling about the holidays coming up, not being with our exes I had this overwhelming feeling of sadness come over me yesterday. I know it's just another day, but is supposed to be spent with loved ones and it just reinforces the idea of lonely and broken up.

Was wondering how anyone else is feeling too?

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I have family from the states coming to visit me. Feel sad and lonely that my family will be celebrating without her. At the same time, I feel liberated that I will surrounded by people I love and who love me. Will try and remain as positive as possible - that's the plan anyway whether it works or not, I am not sure

Hope you feel better asap!

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At the same time, I feel liberated that I will surrounded by people I love and who love me.


That's pretty much how I feel. I'm not really saddened by the holidays (at least not yet). I mean, I have my birthday coming up (11/30), and then the holidays, and our 6th year anniversary would have been on 1/10. But, I will be keeping busy with friends/family - going to Cabo San Lucas next week for Thanksgiving, friends are visiting over my b'day weekend, and I'm going to be in Hawaii over Christmans.


I think if anything, 1/10 will be the most difficult. But, maybe I'll be (99%) over her by that time.



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