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Why does everything have to happen AT ONCE!?!

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Im a senior in high school and I am in the middle of that college application stuff. Currently I am very stunned by everything that is happening right now..... heres whats happened:

1) my computer's hard drive just lost all my data and I have no backup

2) my 6month old phone just broke for no reason

3) the pastor at my church was just fired (who I liked a lot)

4) the girl i have had a crush on for a long time doesn't seem to care about me

..... and its my birthday.


I just want to know if this is normal for a person's 18th birthday?


...im really depressed...

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Happy Birthday!!! Sorry about your misfortune. Sometimes we are put before difficult times. It builds strength, conviction, and character. Just know that you will get through it and you will come out stronger and wiser. We have to experience both good and bad so when its good we can appreciate it that much more. Good luck, and know that it gets better. Stay Stong.

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Hey uscpuman


Yeah Happy Birthday!


Don't feel so bad man, it's your birthday! Maybe you just expected a lot from it and it that's say "didn't go as well as you'd planned".


We all have good days and bad days, today should b a bad day and sooner or later, you'll have a good day!


Smile, look at the sky, listen 2 ur fav music, it gets me through good. Remember, it's your birthday, go make the most out of it and screw sitting back whining about the bad things that's happening, go out and change that.


Happy Heb

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Trust me, life will get worse...


I've been in situations like moving while having midterms on tough classes like Chem/Microbio all together, along with other general ed classes.


I didn't even have a computer, let alone study area, not even a matress to sleep on for 2 monthes.


To top that off, my relationship broke off, and my dad's brother, whom I grew close with suddenly passed away.


My mom got fired, and my dad almost got laid off, thank god he didn't though.


Trust me, life will throw it's obstacles at you, but in the end you're still alive and breathing, and everything will settle down.


It's okay, you'll survive. Maybe you just need a break, and some postive thinking which will hopefully ease the situation.

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