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Do you guys have a problem with girls with a lot of guy friends


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Would you be wary of dating a girl with a lot of guy friends? I notice there are two types of these girls in college. There are those that seem to always be surrounded by 3 or 4 guys, like a group. And then there are those that generally I see with girls, but seem to have guys calling them, and often talk about hanging out with friends who are guys.

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I think that generally speaking, those guys are interested in that girl for more than friendship but that friendship is regarded as part of the road to more. Especially if it's a whole bunch of guys (sort of a queen bee). Of course there are girls who like to hang out with guys just for friendship but I think it's different if the guys seem to 'surround' a girl (that would mean she has a sort of power over them which is the reason for my 'hypothesis' above )



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I have a 2 good guy friends.


A) Works with me, married with a beautiful little baby - I know his wife too, he's a pretty good friend, been to eachothers homes, talk many times throughout the day.

B) I've known for years, we're not that tight, but we do go out every couple of months for dancing and drinks!


So, I think both of these types are fine and nothing to worry about. BUT, if it's every day at school (college, right? It's been awhile, but I know what it would mean to me back then) she's not ready to settle down, still keeping her options open. She may be able to have a sorta serious relationship, but you as the new guy will have to accept her guy friends too probably. Its doesn't sound like she'll choose you over them. In a few more years, she'll grow out of this and will want a serious relationship. And, she'll realize how valuable girlfriends are too.

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I enjoy the company of men MUCH more than the company of women, and, no, not for sexually motivated reasons. It's my personality. I just enjoy hanging with guys. You know, observing the male species in his natural habitat.


LOL. Well, not quite, but it is true that I prefer hanging out with boys than with girls. Most girls just want to talk about how their boyfriends suck, and how their big weekend plans consist of getting manis and pedis. * squeel, giggle, titter, blah blah blah *


EDIT: Hmm, now that I think about it, my ex was never comfortable with the guy friends. Eh. He was insecure.

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I tend to have more good guy friends than girls as friends. Actually my best female friends all live further away. When I was at school I had a best friend who was female for years. Also a few years ago I had a good female friend but then she got a boyfriend and suddenly lost touch. I now seem to have better male friends. My main friend is male and we go to lots of concerts together. I always wonder if this makes other guys think I'm with him or something. Obviously he's not my type at all - in fact I would be grossed out if he tried to get near me, lol, but he is a good friend and we get on well. I can understand guys who might be worried about a girl being friends with guys as when I was younger and in a relationship with one guy he had a female best friend and I used to worry about that, thinking he might like her more than he did. I think it is down to self-confidence. Hopefully if a guy or girl got to know you they would come to realise that any friends were just friends and not worry too much. Some guys do become friends with females because they are attracted to them - but often the girl is not interested in them as more than a friend.

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