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What do you do if a girl likes you but you dont like her?

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Tell her the truth.


"Look, I like you, but not in that way. I'm sorry, but I really don't want to lead you on."


She might avoid you, that's good.

She might keep trying, whether that annoys you or not, you can handle it.

She might just decide to be friends, that's good.


Whatever you do, DON'T make it a friendship with "benefits". It ALWAYS comes back to bite you on the ass. All you have is your dignity. Keep that healthy, and people will KNOW it.

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Whatever you do, be very nice to her. I've been in her situation before.

The guy just simply ignored me, and as a result I ended up feeling very hurt and rejected.


This is a hard one, but this is how you handle it. Tell her,


"I'd like to go out, but I'm not romantically available. I'm sure we'll have a good time, and I'll be happy to tell some of my bachelor friends how cool you are." If you'd still like to go out with me, let me know."


I hope this helps.

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  • 3 months later...

I agree. I think you should be honest as possible about the way you feel. If you don't fancy her then tell her but be tactful and sensitive about it! I told this guy I really liked him once and his exact words were that his feelings were "purely platonic". Don't say that - EVER! It sounds impersonal and like you lifted it from a self-help book or something! It just made me real mad at the guy. I think if he had expressed it in a more personal way I wouldn't have gotten so mad and hurt. Don't lead her on into thinking you like her more than you actually do cos she will be hanging on for any sign that you like her that way. She's probably doing that whole reading into things that you do or say to give her an indication that you fancy her. Make it clear that you really only want to be friends that you think she is a great person but you just don't feel that way about her. Try to let her down gently and make sure you don't say anything that might make her hope that you'll change your mind. She'll probably not take it too well whatever you say - it always hurts bad when someone you like doesn't feel the same way but don't take it too personal: you can't choose who you like and don't like. That being friends thing might not happen either - she might find it easier to get over it by keeping her distance and if you did become friends with her anyway wouldn't you always be wondering if she still has a crush on you? That would make it really awkward!


I say tell her honestly how it is and take it from there! Don't expect her to be friends with you straightoff as it'll be hard so give her time! Hope this helps!



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