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Shy vs. Shy(?)

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This is rather long, but you can just kinda skim over it and get the gist. Any input is greatly appreciated. It's quite a ramble, so I underlined the questions I'd like answers to.


A few of you may be familiar with a situation I've been involved in concerning a girl at college.


We ride the same city bus to and from college most afternoons and a few mornings. About a month ago, we introduced ourselves to each other, but the conversations after that consisted of no more than a "Hi, how are you?"


She seems rather shy, but it could be that she is uninterested. I see her looking at me sometimes, but maybe that's only because I was looking at her. I know that if someone keeps looking at me, I tend to occasionally look in their direction to see if they are still, because it bothers me to have people staring at me all the time. I digress.


After we first met, she was always standing by herself at the bus stop, and I could've easily walked up to her, but I'm unbelievably shy and I didn't want to be a bother to her. It seemed like she was pretty interested in me, but we don't (and didn't) say a whole lot so I kinda kept my distance. She's never approached me (could be shyness) and every time I've said hi, she kinda talked sadly, but we kind maintained a decent amount of eye contact. Is she shy? Is she uninterested? But now, she's always got a friend around her except for the mornings and one afternoon, so I don't really have a good chance to walk up to her anymore.


So as to not bore you all, I'll get to the point: should I keep trying to get to know her? It's been over a month since we met and we still know basically nothing about each other just because I'm super shy and won't go by her unless she's wide open (she usually reads in the mornings, so I don't sit by her and disrupt her studies). It feels a tad weird to me now to talk to her just because it's been weeks since we met and we never really talked a lot and got to know some minor details about each other, so I'm wondering if it would feel weird to her, also. Is there any hope? Is it possible that she thinks I'm not interested in her just because I was trying hard not to distract her?


Thanks, in advance, for any input.

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you could go up to her at the bus stop one day and say hi and then say somethin like "you know, we've been riding this bus together to the same place for like a month now and saying hi every day and I dont know anything else about you"


that sounds very corny but it might be the window you're looking for.


or you could just take a deep breath and ask her out...at the end of the day you wont be losing a great deal if she turns you down, being that at present, she is just your 'hello person'.


i know the sting of being very shy, and i know that this kinda stuff is hard to do....

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