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Attracted to the wrong guy


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Problem 1: I am attracted to him


Problem 2: I have a bf and he is married


The top two problems in a nutshell summarizes why I am posting here. I am taking a course that requires partern work. At the beginning of the semester I met this guy from my class and he asked me to be his partern. At the time, I thought "great!", I dont know anyone from this class and it would make the work load easier as I am taking other courses in parallel. We became friends as the semester wore on, and now, I developed an attraction towards him. Obviously, I have not told him, and I believe these feelings are recipercated. We have to work together until the end of the semester and I am afraid something will happen. (if age is important, he is 25 I am 23.)


What to do? This is more of a rant than anything. thanks for the time.

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Here is the thing, I know this shouldnt matter... but... damn, its been so long since I felt an attraction like this.


His wife lives in a different country and will not be coming here (where we live) for a year.


*SIGH* I dont know why i am posting this at all. It would just mess things up between everyone. Damn, I wish I didnt have to work with him for the rest of the semester.

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remind yourself that there is a good chance he might *play* with you as a cheater while his wife is out of town, but drop you like a hot rock when she arrives...


there's really nothing in this for you but a lot of potential trouble and heartache! just don't meet him anywhere but public places like the library or school, to avoid the temptation.


there are lots of available men in the world, why set yourself up for pain that is guaranteed with a married man?

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Its funny, have you guys ever met someone that is completely different than most people you know? You Interact with them and you feel like they change your prespective on your own narrow views. Im attracted to him more mentally than physically. (not to say that he doesnt have great physical features)

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Don't do it, this is the stuff that will hurt you and him and his wife and anyone else close in. You don't need someone else's husband, you need your own man.


What can happen? You have some fun, he has some fun, you or him feels guilty, maybe both of you, you become someone of lesseer character by involving yourself in this. Think about one simple fact, if you were his wife, how would you feel? and someday you might be someone's wife and do you want to wonder if there is a woman ready to fool with your husband?


These toying emotions can become addictive and are very dangerous ground. That is why there has historically been a ban on infidelity in most cultures, it is dangerous and hurtful.

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