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Age matters?


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I am 26 years old, almost 27. I have two college degrees, but for some reason I can't get a job that I want, or in my area of study. I apply to mostly entry level jobs, but is it my age that is making these guys pass on me?! I don't have much experience working. I work in retail right now, but I didn't land that until I was 24. This is really stressing me out. What am I doing wrong?

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you gota meet the right people. if you don't know anyone who can get you an in, you need to create it. join groups, clubs, organizations that will have people in your field. make some friends and as job postings come up they can at least vouch for you. this makes it a lot easier to get into something then.


just one way.

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Depends on the field, I've heard it really reall matters in banking.


From an official career site from a HR type person.


"don't leave it too late because a bank is not going to hire a 26 year old when everyone else is 20"


I don't think it will matter if your employer is reasonable and you present well.


Besides not point in worry about things you cannot change.


What will hurt is that you didn't get your first job until your were 24. I got my first job when I was 14. Personally I'd lie on my resume to make my work history look more solid. Say you started you first job in your last year of your first degree. List some place out of town that has since closed down.

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Depends on the field, I've heard it really reall matters in banking.


From an official career site from a HR type person.


"don't leave it too late because a bank is not going to hire a 26 year old when everyone else is 20"


Maybe, maybe not. What they will look at and be concerned about is what have you been doing since college. If you're 26 and just graduating, then they will expect you to have no experience. If you are 26 and 3 years out of school, they will expect that you have been working and had some kind of professional work experience. If you can't account for the time then that could be problematic.

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