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Did she mean it?


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hey I'm Joey and the other night, One of my best friends and I were at a party, we were both getting drunk, first she started to cling to me and hold me.


As the night progressed, we started kissing and making out, I told her I had liked her for a long time and asked her if she felt the same, she said that she liked me too, and we kept kissing.

The morning after I was talking to her and she said she didn't remember the night. I don't know if she was embarrassed or whether or not she did forget.

I told her I didn't regret the night and that I did like her, she told me she didn't know if she likes me...I don't know what that means, she keeps saying she's confused or she doesn't know.


Is that just her trying not to hurt my feelings because we're friends, does she like me and cant say it, or does she just not know? I'm really confused...](*,)

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Both you guys need to resist the temptation to put these women on the spot by asking "where do I stand?" Just let things happen naturally and don't put any pressure on yourselves or the girls. I think a big turn off for a lot of women is to force them to make a decision about how they feel about us. Relax and enjoy their attention when you get it. Try to make dates with her, but don't profess your feelings unless you're sure she feels the same way.

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Lol...wow...She actuallly said to me the night after we made out "where do we stand". This is kind of strange you picked those words. Then I asked her what she thought we should do and that's when she said the "I'll think about it" line.


Lol..2 years later and she is trying to be "friends". What is it with girls to much of a coward after they break someones heart they want to be "friends". It's like I just want to say go get your own friends I have mine already.

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I don't agree at all with that advice. I am one of those people too who has to justify the commitment before I can relax and fully enjoy it. If it is just about sex then I'd rather the person be upfront and frank about it. I can't take the feeling of the unknown especially if I have feelings for the OP.


I just look at it like this: If I am wasting quality time, energy and effort on one person then I should get treated with the same respect. Time is of the essense and nothing seems fair when your feelings and emotions are involved.


I think if she does not know then leave her clueless and ditch her. YOu don't need to be played with as of you are a toy-and when they are done they put you back on the shelf. It's rude, and heartless and that is not the way it should go!

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