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? Cyber Sex

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hi there


this question has come up many times, but cyber sex, is when two or more people are chatting on line, about sextual things they would like to do or try, or even doing to them selfs. personal things they cant usally say or do to others. basically its like having sex on line.

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Some people are stimulated by words and ideas, and others are stimulated by feelings and images. If you feel a really close relationship with another person and you would like to know them better, talking about sexual topics, even though it may be taboo, can help to unravel some of your own pent up stimulous.


We are here on a world wide web, there are always going to be people out there looking for a similar activity, it is just finding the right person and the right activity that proves difficult at times.


The comment about people who go on line looking for sex aren't having it in their regular life is probably wrong, people who are stimulated by unique situations probably are more aware of their own sexuality than others, so there for they have come into contact with sexuality, and are finding other people who they fancy to tell things that stimulate them further.


If you dont have a lot of sexual experience then you probably wouldn't be into the sex enough to make the risk to proposition another on line, because it means risking rejection, and if you can't take rejection in the real world why would it be any different in cyber space?

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Hello SweetnPetite

I will have to agree with Sisterlynch's advice. You need to be in sync with the other person, there still needs to be a chemistry, an attraction.

It requires the use of your imagination, creativity, and even passion.

It can be a very erotic and sensual escape from reality. Of couse, you need to share it with someone that is on your level sexually. It is very hard to describe to you, or teach, it is not a lesson, it is a feeling, an emotion, a desire, a fantasy even

Imagine having a lover speak to you, describe to you, how he will touch you, how he will enjoy you, please you......it is stimulating your mind and body through words.

Of course, it can not replace sex, but it can be used as an expression if there are obstacles keeping you from that person at the time. I would not recommend you share it with just anyone, it needs to be someone who can get inside you, mesmerize you, excite you........and hopefully.......oneday this fantasy may become a reality.

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Wow Jaded4life sounds like you have had a great experience with it. Thanks to everyone for their responses.

I am just recently single and I am looking for a little fun, a little erotic fun that is. I do have an incredible imagination, but I have not found anyone to share it with. I do have an attraction to someone on this forum, but I am not sure just yet, actually I have never even chatted with him, but I bet he has alot of creativity to share with me He just seems like he is a very romantic, satisfying lover! Any ideas on how I can approach him, not just for the cybersex. just to get to know him. He may not even be single, so I will not say names just yet. One thing I do not get about the cybersex, how in the world do you relieve yourself, masturbation?

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hello Sweetnpetit


jaded4life gave a real good description of cybersex, (or phonesex) its not a substitute for a physical relationship as other may think, its "part" of one, its almost like extended foreplay, building up to that wonderful moment when you can share in person each others fantasies.


Its also communication which is so important in a relationship and romance, think of all the couples that have drifted apart because of lack of understanding or the desires of the other person in their lifes.


Imagine knowing your lovers intimate desires, being in tune with what turns them on sexually, what stimulates them, and they learn about you also, cybersex or phone sex is about emotions and ideas, its not so much physical but it is an experience you feel.


When the time comes to be with that person, you have the knowledge to please that person and fulfill her wants and desires.


So many people say they dont understand their partners, well thats because there is no communication, they just have this routine they go through, yeah the sex may be ok, but its not mind blowing, because the best sex starts in your mind. its not all about how long you last or how you wiggle the worm hehe, its about making love and satisfying your lover on many different levels.

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  • 2 years later...

One thing I've learned in the past 2 years since my first cybering experaince, is it's more enjoyable if you do it with someone you care about than someone you just met. Now, there's only two people I'm willing to cyber with, an old friend and my GF. Also, I don't see cybering with someone online as a form of cheating, while others do. If you feel that doing that with someone connects you in a specail way to where it feels like cheating then don't do it. I could go on forever about this topic, but I'll just leave this to what I've just said.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I never knew what cybersex was until one day I was chatting with someone about sports and out of the blue he asked me if I liked to suck on toes. Thinking he was kidding, I said yes, the big toe particularly gives me great satisfaction. Then he asked me if I would suck on his.


It was at that moment when things got a tad awkward...

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  • 1 month later...

Cybersex isn't that bad..at first i was overly and wrongly critical..but once u've got a feel for the thing, it can be fun, leads to roleplaying..I helped me with my english when i was in school lol...now that i have graduated it can be a nice way to waste time, doing something different lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cyber sex are most likely for people who write down their fantasies to the other person online. It's a conversation based on what would like to get arouse if it were to happened in real life and you can write down all your favorite positions. Virgins tend to enjoy this the most. It's fun, if you want to try it you may.

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I never knew what cybersex was until one day I was chatting with someone about sports and out of the blue he asked me if I liked to suck on toes. Thinking he was kidding, I said yes, the big toe particularly gives me great satisfaction. Then he asked me if I would suck on his.


It was at that moment when things got a


LOL, weird, why would a guy ask a dude for cyber sex, unless he was gay!!!!!!!!!

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