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Hello All, First I would like to say there is some great advice on this forum. Everyone is so open, sexual advice and all. I love it! I need some advice on an attraction and flirting dilemma. I am 32, recenty single, 5'2 104lbs, long dark hair, olive complexion, and green eyes. I can also cook like no man can resist, I am half italian and half irish, my ex use to call me his little italian pie, he he.

Anyhow I cannot seem to find a single goodlooking man. I am scared to try online dating. I am kind of old fashioned that way. I moved recently to a new town. THis place is so small, and I have no idea how to meet a man. Any advice? Anyone have luck with online dating?

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if it's a small town, the best way is to make friends and get introductions. then you know a bit of the man before you meet them. so don't be in a hurry to get yourself a man. make friends first.


online dating is a bit too quick if you haven't done it before. try online chatting first. and of course, never reveal personal data (eg. full name, address, contact number, ids and passwords) on the internet until you are really sure of the other party. the last thing you need is a stalker.


my personal experience with online dating is cool if both parties are just out for fun and sex, not looking for attachment. otherwise, chat until you know the person before dating.

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