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What will antidepresants actually do for me?

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Ok well the story goes from what I have been told on here I am pretty much depressed and need to go to the Doctors. Here is a definition of the symptoms of Depression and which ones I fit.



I feel almost everyone of those;-1,2,3,4 (still want sex but don't get it),5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 (well I can get back to sleep after I have woken sometimes),17 and 18.

As you can see thats like all of them except 6 well what difference would I see if I were to be put on meds? I heard some people said they felt like zombies and felt nothing well thats what I feel allot of the time anyway so will I become permanently zombyfied!


Would I actually be put on meds or might they offer something else instead?



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Sometimes they'll need to try a few different meds to find the right one. The one that works will make your mood lift. You'll be able to feel happy and feel emotions other than being sad and miserable. You'll feel other emotions for longer as well.


This lets you stop thinking sad/miserable thoughts all the time and you'll likely be better able to enjoy things, have hope and stop dwelling on sad/bad things all the time.


It doesn't "cure" everything, but simply being able to feel a wider range of emotions does make a lot of those above problems either go away or be easier to fix.


They might offer counselling, or both counselling and meds, but in some cases a person's brain chemistry is just lacking some chemicals and a balance is needed in order to do something.


I needed it for a few years; I was in a really bad state (most of the above, including suicidal thoughts) and the meds let me live again. I still had some problems (social anxiety, shyness, low self-esteem) but a lot of the others were fixed with meds. I am off them now and it seems like I don't need them anymore.

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You can try seeing a Psychologist to explain your problems and what not...But, I spent $150CAN/hour with someone who didn't make me feel better...Hmmm...Anti-depressants make you feel EXTREMELY depressed for the first two weeks, but then you feel normal. You're smiling on the outside, but you're still feeling upset on the inside. They didn't work for me. I just gained some weight, which made me even more depressed.

Everyone reacts differently to medications. I tried over-dosing because the pills screwed with my head...or maybe it was just me. Some people actually benefit from them.

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Wow that was fast and detailed thanks Aurian!


Well I keep questioning if I should go to the doctors.


I mean past 2 days my moods have been going crazy I still experience pretty much most of the symptoms but now and then I feel ok like not sad and don't particularly want to die. But if thats the case I can't be depressed can I?


It can't be manic depression as that doesn't vary on the hour. Generally while I am on here and trying to help out I feel pretty good as I don't have time to actually "think" about my life I guess and I see people worse off than me.


I also am having a REALLY hard time getting the motivation to phone the Doctors. I am scared/embarrassed and can't confide in my family or friends and ask them to phone for me as I don't share my problems with anyone.


I'm soooo confused.


EDIT: Can you drink alcohol while on antidepressants or does it vary between the different drugs?

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They can be a great tool...but may I suggest a fabulous book to go with them. David Burns "Feeling Good", is a cognitive approach to depression and can be very helpful in identifying the things we do to ourselves that destroy our happiness.


Hope you find your way back to yourself.

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Jon i have recently started anti depressants and have not seen any drastic changes good or bad. I am able to function a little bit better and i dont have the crying spells i did but i am still low at times and am hoping the meds and therapy will eventually cure that. My best recommendation is just to go see someone especially if you dont open up to anyone else about your problems the doctor might find that you just need some talk therapy or mild anti depressants. Dont be embarrased there are many people out there who need to take the edge off somehow so you are not alone. Oh and as far as drinking goes its never a good idea as alcohol is a downer and well you are already down but i can tell you i have drank on my meds and have been okay only it takes a lot less to feel the affects of the alcohol so cut whatever you would normally drink at least in half best of luck to you you have at least gotten through the hard first step recognizing you need help it will only get better from here!

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I think you should if you are feeling low. They can diagnose you properly. The fact that you have the occasional good days doesn't always mean you aren't depressed. You can still get the occasional mood lift; they just don't seem to last very long or "resonate" with you as much as the dark moods.


You might be feeling better at times because you are distracting yourself, but as soon as you're not busy, it comes back doesn't it? Also, lack of motivation is a big symptom. When I was depressed, I wasn't motivated to do much of ANYTHING, although I felt better when I did do something.


Its hard to admit to depression. I used to feel a bit ashamed about it, but I am not anymore. My brain chemistry just wasn't right back then. My bf is antidepressants himself; he isn't ashamed of it at all and I don't think any less of him for needing them.


As for alchohol, different meds are different. Some its not a problem, others it is. My bf can't take Ibroproferin (advil) for instance because that clashes with his medication. So that's something you could have to ask the doctor/pharmecist if you get pills.


I also had some counselling to correct other issues (self esteem, confidence) but the antidepressants helped with the moods - it was easier to keep living and to have hope again when I could feel happy again and feel motivated to do things that made me happy and fulfilled.

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Hey there. I just wanted to let you know of the negative side of antidepressants. One of my friends of the family, who is 25, got put on Seroquel a couple of months ago. She is a different person. Yes, she doesn't yell at her kids anymore like she used to, but she forgot them in the car one time. She ran into someone's house and came out an hour later because she forgot her two kids were waiting in the car for her!!! Also, one time I was with her and she was sitting there just sobbing and telling me how sorry she is. What for? I have no idea. She just kept repeatedly saying "Please don't be mad at me. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." (I finally figured out that she meant she had made me ten minutes late to where I was supposed to be).


I just wanted to make sure that you are aware of some of the negative side effects and such of antidepressants. Whether you choose to take them or not is completely up to you, I just hope that you are cautious seeing as how they are HGIHLY addictive.


Good luck with everything and I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling depressed.




Check this site out

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P.S. I don't want to just be negative, I just would like you to know about this side of things too.

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Ok as for lack of motivation that is hugely prominent right now. I can't seem to move sharpen some pencils or anything. It's even costing me money, I am on one of those DVD rentals through the post things, I have had the same 2 DVDs for like 2 months now and just can't put them in an envelope and send them back. Also I need to send off a form to get some money back if I don't do that in the next few days I loose like £90 already lost about £250 from not sending these forms off. Also this is getting so much worse cos my parents just shouting and nagging me to "do something", getting called lazy and what else you would expect.


As for feeling ok when I'm busy that is true must be cos I'm taking my mind off things.


Hmm well that reaction to the meds (crying) I hope that does not happen to me, maybe she is just on the wrong medication. And I hope they have more effect on me than yours did mengms, but then again I never actually spontaneously cry. I feel like I am about too, tears fill my eyes but I hold it back. Then again I have never cried in front of anyone except my girlfriend since I was about 10, I am too embarrassed to.


As for chopping the amount I drink in half, thats no big deal. It will be cheaper to go out and I won't be left with an awful hangover Oh and I read on the government site, alcohol is a depressive but does not make you necessarily depressed. It is a depressive in the way it slows reactions, but it heightens the mood you are in. So if your happy you get very happy, sad very sad angry very angry .... you get the picture.


Ohh and forgingon I can't ever be bothered to read so books are out of the question lol.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Try not to think about everything you have to do, but focus on the smallest simplest tasks and get them out of the way. You will actually feel better about getting those things done.

Mail off those two DVD's get it done. Only after that is done think about other simple tasks. Break it down, make it managable.


Good luck

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I never heard of anti-depressants being highly addictive. Ever. I was on them a few times and did not miss them a bit when I put the bottle away. I know pain-killers can be addictive.


THe best substitute for me, and how I got off my anti-depressants, was to go to the gym and do cardio to release those endorphins.....when I was on anti-depressants I did not give a flip about anything..which I think is almost as bad as having too much anxiety. The bonus was I lost weight and got into killer shape.

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Try not to think about everything you have to do, but focus on the smallest simplest tasks and get them out of the way. You will actually feel better about getting those things done.

Mail off those two DVD's get it done. Only after that is done think about other simple tasks. Break it down, make it managable.


Good luck

Still have the 2 DVDs but at least I canceled the subscription yesterday so I'm not paying for them
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