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Things Are Finally Turning Around !

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I recently split with an ex girlfriend of 4 years and have had NC for just over 2 weeks now and I must say that a huge help for me was going out and meeting new women. When I was home the first weekend I felt miserable just sitting there feeling sorry for myself thinking about the past but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I went to a bar this weekend with a friend of mine and he introduced me to a group of his friends (mostly women) and 2 of the girls thought I was cute which was a huge confidence booster and I got 3 numbers Once and a while I will have a little flashback of my EX but its not anywhere near as bad as they used to be when I was sitting around sobbing. Anyone out there who is in mourning must go out with friends to help themselves heal faster...trust me it works...just think positive and be confident and you will be a winner

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