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how to approach this?


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well i was just wondering about this...


i have known this girl for a while (years now) and at one point we so desperately wanted to meet (live a fair way apart), but we haven't yet. but recently things started going down hill between us. i decided it was best not to contact her (as i very rarely got a response anyway).

a few days ago, we started to talk again, but haven't spoken about why things turned how they did and the conversations aren't thrilling. at points i would even say dull.


at the moment im not sure how to approach this situation, things arent 100% with us at the moment. and at first it was her who ignored me (not pointing fingers, just how it was). i thought 'i dont need this, i wont talk to her from now. and i'll stop putting myself out there.'. which is what i did.


i was told on here a while ago that i should talk to her, let her know im still interested in her, but not to be too talkative. and to joke around with her. which is what i have been doing (well trying) but so far she has just been ignoring any small compliments (i timed them perfectly so i wouldn't seem desperate and laughing them off. in a way thats 'haha shut up' (not literally saying that though) form rather than 'haha thanks' being modest or w.e you will. some things i say she will genuinely laugh others not so much.


i dont know whether i should bring up why i stopped contacting her. and let her know how i feel and felt. or whether i should just see how things turn out?

or to ask why she stopped talking to me?


she never used to play games with me. if i text her she would text me back. if not she would have a genuine reason. but now on IM she says stuff like;

'im busy atm' without her status being busy i think well why are you signed in if you cant talk. so i start to believe she is giving me a load of lies.


'i had no credit sorri' again because of other things im led to believe this is a lie.

etc...you see where im going with this.


i know some of you may say that the best thing to do is give her up. but i know that there is something i dont know about that is making her act this way. i want to do something that would bring her back to me, even if it means not contacting her again.


thanks for any help. and i probably missed some things out. so if you want filling in just say

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hey Boldger thanks.


how should i ask?


in the past i have asked if something was wrong (with her, as she looked sad) and she never wants to talk about things like it with me. occasionally she will tell me what is up, but no details. just something like 'someone has upset me'.


i don't want to come over too strong, but i want an honest answer.

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