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I just started a great job at a hospital, and woke up with the tail end of a messy cold. I finally got through the phone menus to a human to call in sick, and I was told I cannot miss a single day in the first 90 days or I'm toast. None of my documents mention this requirement. Grr.


I found the reason the lab wasn't taking calls is that the lab is closed due to area brushfires, so the fires may have saved my job.


I still feel lousy, but tomorrow I'll be at work with a headful of cold medicine sticking patients with needles.


Corporate policies are written by nincompoops. ](*,)

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That's a ridiculous policy. What if you're in a bad accident and get admitted to the hospital? Or what if someone in your family passes away? I guess you're just supposed to suck it up and go to work?


The work environment is getting worse and worse these days. There's no appreciation for good employees anymore.

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I think that policy might be in effect to spot the lazy people early ...

But most companies will allow you to have a sick day if you provide a doctors note the next day ...


Ahhh but there's the rub. In most companies you have to work 90 days to qualify for medical insurance so you can afford to go to the doctor to get a note.


How silly.... waste a doctor's time for a simple head cold all so he can write you a note to work.


Anyway... hope you feel better Dako. And congrats on the new job. I am at this moment scrambling to find another myself.

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Yeah ive worked at a hospital for 12 years. Started in the lab, doing phlebotomy..etc.. outpatient/inpatients.. now im a Pt. Rep - out of direct pt contact. Its true you guys.. the hosps are awful for sick people. And Dako be careful bcause when u start, if you havnt worked in that environment before, you will be sick for atleast a week or 2 because you havent been exposed to the hosp environment. Just an FYI. That could be why you are sick right now. God i remember that. And they were pissed cause i called out.


Good luck. I got outta phleb .. i over worked .. but man im a great stick.!

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Thanks everyone.


Thre are huge wildfires in my area, and the sky is yellow with ash. Sure doesn't help my lungs and sinuses.


Miss F, it was the region's head phleb that told me I couldn't be out sick.


Hey are you being evacuated? Escondido isn't that far west of the witch fire.

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