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are me and my boss flirting with each other?


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I think me and the assisant manager at work are flirting with each other. He is VERY attractive. Im 20, hes 24, and were both single. We have been know to engage in some witty banter. He is always joking with me and I always am laughing at his jokes. He smiles and winks at me a lot and Im always staring at him and making direct eye contact. I call him by his first name and he calls me by my nickname. Sometimes he teasingly calls me M'am or Madame. He is always getting me to help him with stuff and then he will ask me questions and engage in small talk.He will remember what we talked about. The other day he called me into his office and complimented me on what a good job i was doing. He always jokes with me when my favorite sports team looses. I need to know. Are we flirting with each other? Is he flirting with me? Have we done anything to put our jobs at risk?

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Yes you guys are flirting and that's fine as long as nothing else comes from it. It could create a really sticky situation if you did get involved and broke up. Even if you didn't break up, it would still be awkward at work since he's your boss and eventually the other employees would begin feeling like he's favoring you over them (whether that's the case or not).

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