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What would make her want to contact me?


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In another thread I mentioned a girl I have known for 2 years, without meeting her, and thats what the thread was about. But whenever I want to talk to her, or anyone else really, I have to be the one who texts or rings first, why doesn't she ever think 'maybe ill text him first this time, or ill give him a call'?

When we first spoke she was mainly the one who sent the first text, but now its me, and when I do they're more often than not, ignored. I have kind of given up on trying to contact her mobile, its pointless and I'm just wasting time and effort.

Is there anything I can do so that she would want to text me first?

I think the relationship may be dieing out, without it having got anywhere yet.

What do you guys do so that a 'special girl', or girls want to text and ring you rather than you to them.

Thanks, Bob

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Honestly, this woman just doesn't care about you all that much. There's no reason for her to play games with you so she's not playing any games. She's just not that into it. If you want more out of it, then you're going to have to go out on a limb and change things up a bit and see what happens. Otherwise, prepare to be slighted for the foreseeable future.

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That's hard to say Mr. Bob. I don't know you, nor your circumstances. I only know that whatever it is you're selling... she's not buying. So you'll have to offer up some alternative wares.


Wit, charm, money, stability, looks, honesty, dishonesty, love, cruelty, drama, independence, aloofness, directness, clinginess.... I certainly don't know what this particular girl is into, but I do know that we all get off on different things.

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There was a point that she was very into me, I have probably changed since then, I'll think about how I was then and try be how I was. The other thread that I made was whether or not I should meet her at a point that I think our relationship was going down hill. Do you think that it's worth trying to meet up with her? Unless I get a positive reply from her.

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There was a point that she was very into me, I have probably changed since then, I'll think about how I was then and try be how I was. The other thread that I made was whether or not I should meet her at a point that I think our relationship was going down hill. Do you think that it's worth trying to meet up with her? Unless I get a positive reply from her.


There was a very wise man named Ian who once said, "You can't be what you were... so you better start being just what you are."


The past is just that. You can't go back. What you can do is get realistic with who you are right now and live for today. Don't fret what she's done. Don't fret her reaction. Don't fret her, period. If you start worrying about what the other person is thinking all the time then you are plucking out a recipe for disaster. You can only control you. Keep being the best you that you know how to be today. She's seen the "past you". You need not remind her. Time to exist in the present.


Also, if your relationship was a text/messaging relationship only then there's little you can do. If she's bored then she'd bored. In a 2-D world, you'd have to be damn witty and charasmatic to hold someone's attention over time.

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I do agree with Ian. Although I am as a person someone who is comfortable with who I am, and it doesn't bother me if someone doesn't like me as I am. I would never try and be someone I'm not.

I have decided that for her to be as unreliable as she is, it isn't worth it. From other things in the past that have happened with her, I don't need this. I'm not going to be the one to try and make this work. If she wants me, she will talk to me.

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